Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pool Party!

Hi all -
Grace Koop's family has graciously offered to let us use their pool for a Brownie pool party!
We have tentatively set the date for Thursday 7/10, from 2-4pm.  However, I want to make sure we won't be leaving out a bunch of girls who could not attend at that time because their parents would be working.
Please let me know ASAP if you would not be able to bring your daughter (or send her with a friend) on that day because you work during the week.
Finally, the group is still searching for solutions for new or additional leadership for the troop this fall.  I would consider staying in a leadership capacity if we could decide how to split the troop into smaller groups for our weekly meetings, and then meet as a large group once a month for badge awards, etc (kind of like the Boy Scouts model).  The small groups would have to be run by other leaders.  If anyone has any ideas on how to make that work or is willing to take any or all of the troop leadership, please contact me!

Have a wonderful June & I look forward to seeing everyone in July.

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