Sunday, August 18, 2013

Registration and fall plans

HI all:
It's that time again!  Please let me know by 9/1/13 if you are planning to re-register your daughter with troop #3412.  Third grade Brownies are supposed to meet weekly - we are looking at continuing to keep Tuesday nights, likely around 6-7pm. 

We are also in need of adult leadership, so please let me know if you are willing to lead/help, and to what level of responsibility. 
Thanks everyone!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pool party and Pictures!!

The pool party was a raging success - it was great to see so many faces!  Thanks so much to Grace K's family for hosting the party.  We missed those of you who could not attend!!  Summer schedules are so hard to match up!

I uploaded about 175 pictures to our closed Facebook group page today - if you do not have access and would like access, search "Troop 3412" on Facebook and request access (remember, this does not give other group members access to your private information).  If you are having trouble, send me an email and I will help you get access.

The remaining co-leaders and I are figuring out next year - we will let you know when we know what is going on.  Please think about what talents you have to offer the group, as more leadership and volunteers are needed!

Have a wonderful summer & you will hear from me soon!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pool Party!

Hi all -
Grace Koop's family has graciously offered to let us use their pool for a Brownie pool party!
We have tentatively set the date for Thursday 7/10, from 2-4pm.  However, I want to make sure we won't be leaving out a bunch of girls who could not attend at that time because their parents would be working.
Please let me know ASAP if you would not be able to bring your daughter (or send her with a friend) on that day because you work during the week.
Finally, the group is still searching for solutions for new or additional leadership for the troop this fall.  I would consider staying in a leadership capacity if we could decide how to split the troop into smaller groups for our weekly meetings, and then meet as a large group once a month for badge awards, etc (kind of like the Boy Scouts model).  The small groups would have to be run by other leaders.  If anyone has any ideas on how to make that work or is willing to take any or all of the troop leadership, please contact me!

Have a wonderful June & I look forward to seeing everyone in July.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Final meeting...the saga continues...

Well, as is becoming the norm, the weather is not cooperating with us!
However, we are still going to have our last meeting at my house. I have emailed my address and posted it on our Facebook group.  As this is a public blog, I won't post it here - let me know if you need it. You are welcome to come anytime between 5 and 7pm.  If you need to stop by a little earlier, please let me know to expect you.
Understand this won't be a regular meeting, as we won't have everyone together at one time, and I don't have nearly enough room.  The girls will have a chance to complete their last memento page, pickup their cookie incentives, and receive their end-of-year badge awards.
Please excuse my house!  We are packing furiously to leave town and there are piles everywhere!
See you this evening!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Final meeting - UPDATE again :)

Hi all - so it is proving impossible to coordinate 20 families' summer schedules :).  Here is what I plan to do for now:
1) Leaders will be at Cambridge Park on Tuesday 6/4 from 6-7pm.  I will be there from 5-7 for those who need to come early on their way to other events.  If other leaders can come early as well, please feel welcome.  This won't really be a regular meeting - the girls can work on their memento books to take home, pickup cookie awards, and receive their end of year badges.  **if it is raining or the ground if super soggy, then please come to my house at 4905 Portland St. instead.  It will be a total pit preparing for our trip, so please excuse the mess in advance.
2) I am leaving town Thurs 6/6 and will not return until 6/25.  If you are not coming on Tuesday evening, please contact me if you want to coordinate a pickup at my house on Wednesday 6/7.
3) I will contact the Koop family about having a swim party and will let everyone know a date for July or August once we have set it.  Anyone who has not gotten their items in May can do so at the swim party.
For those I do not see before we leave, PLEASE have a wonderful summer!!


P.S.  Do not worry about bringing a snack - not sure there will be enough people in one place at one time to make it worth it :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last meeting - new date!

Hi all -
Happy summer!  I know that everyone has been so busy with end-of-school activities and with tornado relief.  I am so thankful that none of our Brownie families were directly affected by the storms.  The first grade Brownie troop at Truman did unfortunately have one family who lost their home - luckily they were all okay!
Since we did not get to hold our last meeting last week, I was planning to hold a makeup meeting on Tuesday 6/4/13 from 6-7pm at Cambridge Park (please pray for weather that cooperates!).  It won't be a full meeting, but a chance for the girls to work on their memento albums, pick up their cookie incentive awards, and receive their last badge awards for this year. 
It would be wonderful if everyone could come and celebrate our last three years together.  I was planning on bringing a snack to share, along with plates, napkins, cups and lemonade and it would be fabulous if everyone could bring something small to share
 as well.
Please let me know if you will or will not be able to attend and if you are bringing a snack to share (families are welcome-please RSVP with how many) so that I can let everyone know how many snacks they need.
I hope everyone can attend - we will look at planning a pool party at Grace Koop's house  in July or early August.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last meeting - UPDATE

Enough parents have said they would prefer NOT to have the meeting tonight that I have decided to postpone the meeting.  I am hoping to schedule something in the next two weeks for those that can come and get their cookie incentives and badges, and Grace K's mom has generously offered to host a swim party later this summer.  More info to come soon - thanks!
Everyone stay safe!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Last meeting info

Hi all - I hope everyone safely weathered the last two days of storms.  We are all safe, though we know of several families who have lost everything.  Luckily no one in their families was hurt.
We are still planning to meet tomorrow at Cambridge Park, from 6-7pm.  Cambridge Park is located within the Cambridge subdivision - take Rhoades into Cambridge, and follow it around until you see a park on one side of the road and a pond on the other.  It's very simple to find.
It will be very informal - hopefully everyone can bring a snack to share.  Please bring your own drinks, as I have donated every water bottle and cup we own to help with the relief effort, and I suspect finding replacements tomorrow will be futile.
Even if you can only come by for a few minutes, please try to stop by to pick up your daughter's memento book, badges earned, and a hug.
I look forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


To-date, I have been unable to locate an alternate location for our meeting so that we can reschedule to the more convenient date of 5/21.  Unless someone else better luck than I on finding a location so that we can have the meeting on 5/21, we will be forced to keep the 5/14 meeting time.
Please please please let me know if anyone has a meeting location we can use.  If your church or work has a spot, or if your house would be big enough, etc., the troop would really appreciate the chance to be together in order to have our last meeting.
If anyone has another idea for a location or alternate date, please let me know!!

Thank you!

Troop #532 has sent us thanks for those girls that took the time tonight to go and tell their troop about what they love about Brownies.  The girls apparently had a wonderful time meeting our girls!

Thank you so much to everyone who came!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Meeting reminder for 5/7 and help needed for 5/21

Hi all!

For those of you who have said you can make it Tuesday, please come to the Primary cafeteria at 6pm on Tues 5/7.  The girls should be in uniform and be prepared to talk with the other girls about what they have loved about being Brownies (it will be really informal - the younger girls really just want to have the experience of hearing from our girls).  We will also show the first grade troop the Bungalow song that our girls love so much!  It should take less than an hour, and it will help the first grade troop bridge from Daisies to Brownies.
I will not be able to be there on 5/7, as that is my monthly Girl Scout leader meeting night.  I am unclear if Niki and Rebekah will be there at this point.  However, both Devon and Teri will be there and will do a fantastic job with the girls!
I am still working on switching our meeting from 5/14 to 5/21 so that more girls can attend.  However, I do not currently have a location - the first grade troop was unable to switch us meeting times.  If anyone knows of a location big enough for our troop and parents that would let us use their space from 6-715 on Tues 5/21, please let me know.  Someone with a large house, someone's church, etc. would be ideas...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Meeting recap

Hi all - what a fun meeting tonight!  The ladybugs were a big hit.
Tonight we handed out badges - if your daughter didn't earn a particular badge because she missed a meeting and you would like information on how to make up the badge, please let me know.
We also had a sign-up sheet tonight to bring tasty treats for our last meeting on 5/14. If you weren't there tonight and would like to bring something, please do so!  The December party had so many wonderful goodies - I hope the May party will be just as great!
As we wind down another year, please consider what you could volunteer to do with the troop in the fall.  The troop is in desperate need of several co-leaders, as well as people to lead a meeting or two, keep track of meeting attendance for badges, be in charge of collecting dues/fees and balancing the troop checkbook, and keeping track of the troop paperwork.  Let me know if you have something in particular you would like to do, or if you would like information about what a specific task might entail.
I hope everyone can make it to our 5/14 meeting so we can end this year with a bang!  The girls will make a Mother's Day craft and something for Mrs. Eislen as well as finish their memory books that they have been working on all year.
See you in a few weeks!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Meeting reminder

Hi all:
Just a quick reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow night (Tues 4/34/13).  This is our second-to-last meeting for the year!  We are doing a unit study on ladybugs!  Those of you who were with us in Kindergarten will remember the ladybug release we did then - the girls loved the release so much that we will conclude our meeting tomorrow with another one!  We are also going to a fun craft and decorate our treats.

Our last meeting is on Tues 5/14 (note that there will be three weeks before the next meeting, as there are five Tuesdays in April).
There will be a sign-up tomorrow night to bring snacks (like we did for the December party) to our final meeting in May.  If you won't be able to attend tomorrow night, please contact me if you could bring a finger food, drinks, flatware/cups, etc for the 5/14 meeting.
Tomorrow night we will also discuss if we want to try to plan a summer activity for the girls.

As Niki and Hailey leave us to start a troop in Moore, as Teri and Sophia leave us to move to Texas, and as Abby and I leave to join a homeschool troop, there will be a lot of changes in Troop 3412 next year.  I hope that everyone can come and celebrate the last three years we have spent together on May 14th!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Meeting reminder

Hi all - just a quick reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow, 4/2/13 instead of our regular meeting time next week, 4/9/13. 

We are completing our Home Scientist badge, which we started last meeting - the girls LOVED the soda geyser!
Hope to see everyone!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Updates and information!

Hi all - what a FANTASTIC meeting tonight!  We had a great time with our science experiments!  I think I can safely say that the soda geyser was the favorite (just judging by the volume of the screams!)

Several important items below - please read & respond ASAP if needed:

1) Tonight was the final cookie money turn in deadline - several people did not do so, which is a BIG problem.  You will be receiving an individual email from me with your outstanding balances - we need this resolved quickly!  I will be available at my house from 4-6pm tomorrow for those who need to turn in money.  The money you don't turn in is money the troop cannot use for supplies, patches, etc.  It is a big deal to the troop, so please turn in your money - remember, everyone agreed to be financially responsible for the cookies they took.

2) The Ladybug Tea is a free event being put on by another troop.  It is Sunday 4/7/113, from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Norman Train Depot.  It is ladies only, and dress in your Sunday-best!  If anyone else wants to sign up that did not do so already, you must let me know by tomorrow 3/27/13.

3) If your daughter missed a meeting and missed earning a patch, you can contact me to ask for makeup information.  The girls have earned several patches in the last few months, and almost everyone has been given their awards.  Please contact me if you feel like your daughter is missing one.

4) Our next meeting is next week 4/2/13, 6-7:15pm.  This is a different Tuesday than usual - we were asked to switch nights with another troop.  Please make sure to update your calendars.

5) As I told several parents tonight, our troop leadership is in great need of new volunteers.  We are losing two co-leaders the end of May, and myself and the remaining co-leaders are as yet unsure about next year.  We need many more volunteers to keep this large group together.  If you can volunteer to co-lead during meetings (involves running small group projects, setup and cleanup), or take on a specific task for the year such as snack coordination, planning and running a single meeting, keeping the financial records, or recording attendance and are needed!!  Please let me know what you can do.

Thanks everyone - see you next week!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thin Mints needed!

Hi all!

Remy's mom is looking for a couple of boxes of Thin Mints.  If you have some you'd like to get rid of,  please contact me and I will get her your email.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today's booth sale

Hi all - today's booth sale has been canceled.  Thanks

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meeting notes & upcoming important dates!

Tonight we discussed first-aid: what to do in an emergency, how to call 911, and how to use first-aid supplies.  They got to hear their heartbeats and had the opportunity to have their blood pressure taken.  The girls also had a great time with the Dog-Cat song and celebrated Ms. Devon's birthday with cupcakes!

Tonight we handed out badges that the girls have earned to-date.  Some were from last fall that had been backordered, and some were from this spring.  I will bring badges for those girls that weren't able to attend tonight's meeting to the 3/26/13 meeting.  If your daughter is missing a patch, please let me know if you would like information on how to make up the lesson in order to earn the patch on her own.

Important info that I forgot to announce tonight:

ALL FINAL COOKIE MONEY IS DUE AT THE NEXT MEETING 3/26/13.  I will be sending out emails to those that gave me money tonight to give you an updated balance.  Everyone else should already know what their balance is from last week's email.  If you will not make the next meeting, you must make arrangements to get the money to me before 3/27.  I can make myself available most afternoons or early evenings if I know you are coming.  The troop still owes almost $2,000 in outstanding cookie money, so we must get our money turned in! 

There is a booth sale this Sunday from 2-4pm at the Westside Walmart - I need to know by tomorrow night (Wedsnesday 3/13) if you plan to attend.  This is a great opportunity for you to get rid of the last of your own supply of cookies as well.  Let me know if you are coming, and if you plan to attend, whether you are bringing cookies to sell of your own.  This is our last booth sale, and I do not intend to take new stock from the cupboard to run it.  However, if there isn't enough interest, we may cancel the sale.

There is a Daisy/Brownie Ladybug Tea being hosted by another troop 4/7/13 from 1:30-3:30 at the Norman Train Depot.  This event is free for each girl scout and one parent to attend, other guests are $5 each.  We must have a headcount for our RSVP by our next meeting on 3/26.  So, check your calenders and let me know if you plan to attend and how many will be coming.  It sounds like it will be REALLY fun!

Our April meetings will be held on the first and fourth Tuesday - we switched with the first-grade troop to accommodate their first-grade program.  Please don't forget and come on the wrong week!

As leaders, we are already looking towards next year, and deciding who will return to lead and in what capacity.  Our troop really needs more parent volunteers, even if it is only for one meeting or one event.  Please let me know if you would be able to volunteer to run a craft one meeting, pick up supplies for one or more meetings, or help direct a group activity during a meeting next year.  If you would be interested in co-leading the troop, that would also be a HUGE help.  This troop has gotten so big that we are facing the choice of splitting the troop if we cannot figure out how to better share the load of running the troop.  Please let me know if you can help and in what capacity.  We love having the girls together, but I am concerned that we cannot best serve the girls as we are currently operating.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meeting reminder and call for supplies

Hi all - this is a reminder we have a meeting next Tuesday 3/12/13 from 6-7:15pm in the Primary cafeteria.  Please bring your cookie money so that we can get our last deposit in on time.  The sale has gone very well! 

The focus of this next meeting is first aid.  If you have any first aid supplies you would loan us for the evening like a wheelchair, crutches or a splint, or if you have supplies you would be willing to donate for the girls to work with during the meeting, such as ACE wrap, large band-aids, etc., we would appreciate it very much!!

If you could let me know if you plan to bring something, that would be wonderful - that way we know what we still need to get for the meeting.

Thanks so much!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Booth sale

OK - I only have Abby, Hailey, Kaylee and Beth signed up for the booth sale tomorrow from 2-4pm.  Please let me know by this afternoon FOR SURE whether your daughter will be there.  If we don't have at least four girls staying the entire time, then I will release the booth sale slot to another troop.

We still have about 20 cases of cookies that the troop is responsible for selling - we ordered these based on last year's booth sale participation numbers.  Unfortunately, this year's participation is way down from last year.  I know everyone is busy, but we've got to get out and sell these cookies so that the troop doesn't have to pay for them.

Even if you can only come for an hour, or if you can drop off your daughter but not stay, PLEASE consider participating tomorrow.  The last opportunity we have for a booth sale is Sunday 3/17 from 2-4pm.  Historically, we've sold less cookies at the later booth sales.


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cookie updates

Hi all -

We collected almost $3,000 last night in cookie money - THANK YOU!!  We will be able to make our next ACH withdrawal with no problem.

We still have $2,000 worth of cookies still out and not paid for.  If you have cookies that you are having trouble getting rid of, now is the time to contact me with a list of what you are having trouble selling.  If I know you have stock you can't get rid of, I can try to pair you up with another family who needs the cookies you have.  PLEASE REMEMBER we will not be taking cookie returns this year, so you will be financially responsible for the cookies if you have not sold them or transferred them to another girl.

NOTE: I will be sending each family an individual email with your current cookie balance, even if your balance is zero.  That way everyone knows what my books show - if you don't agree with my numbers, please contact me. 

Finally, I don't have enough girls signed up for the booth sale this Sunday from 2-4pm at the West side Walgreens.  If you did not sign up last night, please let me know if you can attend.  If we don't have enough signed up by Friday night, I will cancel the booth sale and release the reservation so another troop can sell in our place.

Thanks everyone!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Tomorrow's meeting, the weather, cookie money & booth sales

Hi all -

If school is canceled tomorrow, then our meeting will also be canceled.  We don't have another location to meet at to make the meeting up, so our next meeting would be at our regularly scheduled time on 3/12/13.

HOWEVER, the cookie sale ends on 3/15/13.  We still need to deposit $1,800 in cookie funds before our second ACH withdrawal from Council on 3/5.  If we do not have a meeting tomorrow, I need every parent to contact me about dropping money off at my house.  There are several families who haven't turned in any money yet - we really need to get those funds turned in.  I just don't have the time to start hunting parents down for money, so please contact me if you have money to drop off.

Finally, we are looking at having a booth sale in Norman this Sunday 3/3 (weather-permitting) from 2-4pm.  Please let me know ASAP if you can attend.

Thanks all,

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Meeting reminder & booth sale info

Hi all -

Don't forget our next meeting is this Tuesday, 2/26 from 6-7:15pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  We need EVERYONE to turn in cookie money as well, as our second withdrawal from Council will happen before our next meeting.

At today's booth sale, the girls sold 140 boxes for a total of $490!!  Great job girls!!

We are looking at adding another booth sale next weekend 3/3 in the afternoon - this would potentially replace our scheduled booth sale on 3/17.  Could you please let me know if your daughter could attend?  We are thinking probably 2-4pm again if we would have enough girls interested.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Booth sale!

Hi all - don't forget our first booth sale is this weekend 2/24 at the Westside Walmart, from 2-4pm. Please make sure your girl is in uniform & we will provide the cookies & change!

See you then!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2/24 booth sale

OK everyone - I have been flooded with cookie emails the last week, so I'm sure I'm probably missing some girls who are planning to attend the booth sale on 2/24.  Please email me if your daughter is coming and I do not have her on the list below:

Grace K.

I know I'm missing a few!  Please let me know who else is coming!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cookies, booth sales and deposits!

Hi all!

The cookie cupboard is finally up and running!  I can pick up cookies from the cupboard on Tues/Thurs nights and Saturday mornings, but I have to order 48 hours in advance.  Then I have to fit cookie pickups by members of our troop into my schedule.  Mon/Wed evenings are most consistently available for me, and we are available on the weekend around the kids' activities. 

I keep a little backstock at the house, but not much.  Contact me as soon as you know you are getting low on something, so that we can get an order placed before you run out.

Please review the email I sent earlier this week with booth sale information.  So far, I have one girl signed up for the booth sale on 2/24 from 2-4 at the West-side Walmart.  We need 4-8 girls to run the booth successfully.  Please let me know ASAP if your daughter can attend, so that I know if we have enough to staff it.

Finally, our first cookie withdrawal from Council of $2,862 will happen on 2/17.  Even though we will not have another meeting before this date, I need you to get cookie sale money to me regularly, as we still need about $1,200 in the troop account to make the withdrawal.  I would appreciate it being dropped off at my house during the cookie pickup times on Mon/Wed if possible.  If you can't make those times, please contact me and we will find a time that works for everyone.

The sale seems to be going well for many of our girls!  I hope they are having a blast practicing the skills we went over at the previous meetings, like looking your customer in the eye, introducing themselves properly, making correct change, etc.

Thanks all,

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quick cookie update

Hi all -

I have a little backstock still available - if you need something, let me know ASAP and I'll try to fill your order - I am completely out of Trefoils, Tagalongs and Thin Mints.  I still don't have information on when the cupboard will open in Norman - hopefully I will have news on when we can get more stock by the end of the week. I will let you know as soon as I know.

Important upcoming dates:

First booth sale is 2/24 at the West side Walmart from 2-4pm.  I need to know by Monday 2/18 whether your daughter will participate so I know how many cookies to order.  If we don't have enough girls to staff the booth, then I will cancel the event. 

Our next meeting is Tues 2/26 6-7:15pm, as usual.

The final booth sale is again at the West side Walmart from 2-4pm on 3/17.  Please let me know by 3/11 if your daughter will participate.  Remember, the girls do get individual selling credit for participating in the booth sales!

There was little interest in participating as a troop in Thinking Day next weekend, the OU basketball game or the Thunder game.  As such, we won't plan on attending as a troop.  However, if you want to go to any of these events on your own, let me know and I will pass along the information to you.

Thanks all - I will let you know about ordering more cookies as soon as I hear!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meeting reminder and cookie updates

Hi all -

Don't forget we have a meeting THIS TUESDAY 2/5 at 6pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  This isn't our regular meeting time, but we had to switch to accommodate the second grade program during our regular meeting time on 2/12.

Last meeting, I spoke with the parents in attendance about upcoming important dates, however I know several people had to miss due to the Truman Elementary Inaugural Ball.  To make sure that everyone has seen the important dates, I am attaching our newsletter to the email I sent out today.  I also posted a reminder on the Facebook group (search Troop 3412).  Please contact me with questions.

Please note the changes in the February meetings!!  Our next meeting is  THIS TUESDAY, 2/5 at 6pm.  We will be handing out cookies at the meeting.  I must have a parent sign a permission slip in order for their daughter to take their cookies.  All families who carpool to scouts, please be aware that I can NOT give your daughter her cookies unless I have a permission slip from you.  I have scanned and attached a copy of the permission slip that you can send with your daughter if you want her to be able to take her cookies without you present - please note I must have your driver's license on the permission form. 

If you will want extra cookies, you must let me know in advance, as I won't be bringing any extras to this meeting.  Also, please remember you must turn in some cookie money to receive extra cookies - please keep the deposits coming so that we can make our 2/19 withdrawal for 1/2 of our initial order.

I hope your girls are having with cookies! 

See you Tuesday!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Upcoming dates

Hi all - I'll make this short.  Below are upcoming important dates.  There are several fun upcoming opportunities for us to participate either individually or as a troop.  Please let me know ASAP if you want to participate:

2/2 -  cookie sales begin

2/5  - troop distribution of cookies at our meeting - if you want them early, contact me directly.

2/16 - Girl Scouts World Thinking Day - fun, free event held at McFarlin church from 10am-12pm.  Our girls go from booth to booth, learning from older scouts about different countries throughout the world.  There are usually lots of tasty samples of food from all over the world as well.

3/2 - Girl Scouts Day at the OU Women's basketball game, 7-9pm.  $5.00 for scouts and leaders, $16-17 for family members.

3/20 - Girl Scout Day at the Capitol, 8am-2:30pm.  More info to come. 

3/27 - Girl Scouts Night at the OKC Thunder, 7-9pm.  The deadline to get tickets is 3/15.  Tickets are $25-37 for scouts and leaders, $37-49 for family members.  Let me know if you are interested and I'll get you the link to purchase tickets.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Meeting reminder

Hi all:

Just a quick reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow night at 6pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  Please note that we will spend a good chunk of time discussing cookies, and we will also be handing out information about cookie delivery, sale dates, etc.  If you can possibly attend, please do so.  If you cannot, please let me know that I need to send you information.

Hope to see everyone tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Next meeting reminder & cookie updates

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break!

Please remember we WILL NOT have a regular meeting next week 1/8/13.  We will resume meetings on Tuesday 1/22/13.

On that note...cookie sales begin in February!  I can't believe it's that time already.  I am placing our initial order this weekend! 

PLEASE NOTE: I am assuming every girl in the troop is selling cookies. I am ordering 6 cases (72 boxes) for each girl to start - this is less than last year, as I had several families concerned with being able to sell what they had.  However, also be aware that our average boxes sold were 150 per girl by the end of the sale - several girls broke 300 boxes and one broke 400! 

If your daughter does not want to sell cookies, or if you want less than the 72 initial boxes, or if you are planning to pre-sell family/friends and want extra cookies, I NEED TO KNOW by Saturday night 1/5/13.  Anything received after Saturday may not make it on the initial order.  As a reminder, you will be able to get additional cookies, but it takes about two weeks after the sale starts before we can start picking up additional order.

Just as in previous years, once you have taken possession of the cookies, you are financially responsible for them.  The troop always tries to help connect those who are having difficulties selling a type of cookie with someone who needs more of the same variety.  However this year there will be NO returns accepted.  The troop ended up having to eat the cost of 6-1/2 cases due to last minute-returns that we weren't able to get rid of.  I hope this doesn't put anyone off, I just want to make sure the troop's funds are better protected this year.  If you are having a big issue selling, contact myself, Devon or Teri early in the sale so that we can help you! 

Pickup of the initial cookie order is the end of January.  Unfortunately, we will not have a meeting for almost two weeks after cookie pickup - more to come soon about another pickup time to get cookies in the hands of those who want them ASAP!

Finally, we are going to be more strict about how many cases a girl is allowed to check out at one time.  We had several issues in previous years with girls checking out numerous boxes and then not turning in money for quite some time.  As Council deducts money from our account throughout the sale, they are assuming we are making regular deposits.  Also, Council's official policy is that troops are only allowed to check out six cases to a girl at a time without collecting funds in return.  If you want to have more than six cases at a time, please contact me directly & we will get it figured out.  We don't want to stop anyone from selling, we just want to make sure the troop is protected. :)

As always, we are completely NO PRESSURE about selling!!  I want to be encouraging to those who want to sell without pressuring anyone!  It is completely okay if you/your daughter doesn't want to participate - just please let me know by Saturday.

I look forward to another great semester with Troop 3412!  We have some great things planned and in progress!
