I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break!
Please remember we WILL NOT have a regular meeting next week 1/8/13. We will resume meetings on Tuesday 1/22/13.
On that note...cookie sales begin in February! I can't believe it's that time already. I am placing our initial order this weekend!
PLEASE NOTE: I am assuming every girl in the troop is selling cookies. I am ordering 6 cases (72 boxes) for each girl to start - this is
less than last year, as I had several families concerned with being able to sell what they had. However, also be aware that our average boxes sold were 150 per girl by the end of the sale - several girls broke 300 boxes and one broke 400!
If your daughter does not want to sell cookies, or
if you want less than the 72 initial boxes, or
if you are planning to pre-sell family/friends and want extra cookies,
I NEED TO KNOW by Saturday night 1/5/13. Anything received after Saturday may not make it on the initial order. As a reminder, you will be able to get additional cookies, but it takes about two weeks after the sale starts before we can start picking up additional order.
Just as in previous years, once you have taken possession of the cookies, you are financially responsible for them. The troop always tries to help connect those who are having difficulties selling a type of cookie with someone who needs more of the same variety. However
this year there will be NO returns accepted. The troop ended up having to eat the cost of 6-1/2 cases due to last minute-returns that we weren't able to get rid of. I hope this doesn't put anyone off, I just want to make sure the troop's funds are better protected this year. If you are having a big issue selling, contact myself, Devon or Teri early in the sale so that we can help you!
Pickup of the initial cookie order is the end of January. Unfortunately, we will not have a meeting for almost two weeks after cookie pickup - more to come soon about another pickup time to get cookies in the hands of those who want them ASAP!
Finally, we are going to be more strict about how many cases a girl is allowed to check out at one time. We had several issues in previous years with girls checking out numerous boxes and then not turning in money for quite some time. As Council deducts money from our account throughout the sale, they are assuming we are making regular deposits. Also, Council's official policy is that troops are only allowed to check out six cases to a girl at a time without collecting funds in return. If you want to have more than six cases at a time, please contact me directly & we will get it figured out. We don't want to stop anyone from selling, we just want to make sure the troop is protected. :)
As always, we are completely NO PRESSURE about selling!! I want to be encouraging to those who want to sell without pressuring anyone! It is completely okay if you/your daughter doesn't want to participate -
just please let me know by Saturday.
I look forward to another great semester with Troop 3412! We have some great things planned and in progress!