Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zoo Snooze & lemonade stand

Hi Brownie families!  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I know we are!

There are two upcoming events that I need RSVP's for:

1) The Zoo Snooze on 7/13-7/14.  So far I have the following girls' RSVP's: Abby, Hailey, Ava, Remy, Sophia, Miranda, Madelyn, Sophia, Grace K., Hannahlaine, & Laryssa.  Niki and I are both attending, but we need 1-2 other moms to attend.  If any other girls want to still RSVP or if any moms are already planning on going, please let me know by next Friday 6/15. There is no charge to the girls for this event.

2)  The Warren has invited our troop to run a lemonade stand on Saturday 6/23 from 1-5.  Our troop will receive $0.50 from each cup sold & each girl that participates will also receive a free movie ticket to use at a later date.  This has the potential to make our troop a nice extra chunk of change for a few hours of work!   Niki will be at the theater working, but unable to run the sale with me, so I will also need 1-2 other parents to help.  Please let me know by this Sunday 6/17 (Father's Day) whether or not your Brownie could come for all or part of the sale. I need to determine if we would have enough participants to successfully run the booth.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

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