Friday, May 31, 2013

Final meeting - UPDATE again :)

Hi all - so it is proving impossible to coordinate 20 families' summer schedules :).  Here is what I plan to do for now:
1) Leaders will be at Cambridge Park on Tuesday 6/4 from 6-7pm.  I will be there from 5-7 for those who need to come early on their way to other events.  If other leaders can come early as well, please feel welcome.  This won't really be a regular meeting - the girls can work on their memento books to take home, pickup cookie awards, and receive their end of year badges.  **if it is raining or the ground if super soggy, then please come to my house at 4905 Portland St. instead.  It will be a total pit preparing for our trip, so please excuse the mess in advance.
2) I am leaving town Thurs 6/6 and will not return until 6/25.  If you are not coming on Tuesday evening, please contact me if you want to coordinate a pickup at my house on Wednesday 6/7.
3) I will contact the Koop family about having a swim party and will let everyone know a date for July or August once we have set it.  Anyone who has not gotten their items in May can do so at the swim party.
For those I do not see before we leave, PLEASE have a wonderful summer!!


P.S.  Do not worry about bringing a snack - not sure there will be enough people in one place at one time to make it worth it :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

Last meeting - new date!

Hi all -
Happy summer!  I know that everyone has been so busy with end-of-school activities and with tornado relief.  I am so thankful that none of our Brownie families were directly affected by the storms.  The first grade Brownie troop at Truman did unfortunately have one family who lost their home - luckily they were all okay!
Since we did not get to hold our last meeting last week, I was planning to hold a makeup meeting on Tuesday 6/4/13 from 6-7pm at Cambridge Park (please pray for weather that cooperates!).  It won't be a full meeting, but a chance for the girls to work on their memento albums, pick up their cookie incentive awards, and receive their last badge awards for this year. 
It would be wonderful if everyone could come and celebrate our last three years together.  I was planning on bringing a snack to share, along with plates, napkins, cups and lemonade and it would be fabulous if everyone could bring something small to share
 as well.
Please let me know if you will or will not be able to attend and if you are bringing a snack to share (families are welcome-please RSVP with how many) so that I can let everyone know how many snacks they need.
I hope everyone can attend - we will look at planning a pool party at Grace Koop's house  in July or early August.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Last meeting - UPDATE

Enough parents have said they would prefer NOT to have the meeting tonight that I have decided to postpone the meeting.  I am hoping to schedule something in the next two weeks for those that can come and get their cookie incentives and badges, and Grace K's mom has generously offered to host a swim party later this summer.  More info to come soon - thanks!
Everyone stay safe!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Last meeting info

Hi all - I hope everyone safely weathered the last two days of storms.  We are all safe, though we know of several families who have lost everything.  Luckily no one in their families was hurt.
We are still planning to meet tomorrow at Cambridge Park, from 6-7pm.  Cambridge Park is located within the Cambridge subdivision - take Rhoades into Cambridge, and follow it around until you see a park on one side of the road and a pond on the other.  It's very simple to find.
It will be very informal - hopefully everyone can bring a snack to share.  Please bring your own drinks, as I have donated every water bottle and cup we own to help with the relief effort, and I suspect finding replacements tomorrow will be futile.
Even if you can only come by for a few minutes, please try to stop by to pick up your daughter's memento book, badges earned, and a hug.
I look forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


To-date, I have been unable to locate an alternate location for our meeting so that we can reschedule to the more convenient date of 5/21.  Unless someone else better luck than I on finding a location so that we can have the meeting on 5/21, we will be forced to keep the 5/14 meeting time.
Please please please let me know if anyone has a meeting location we can use.  If your church or work has a spot, or if your house would be big enough, etc., the troop would really appreciate the chance to be together in order to have our last meeting.
If anyone has another idea for a location or alternate date, please let me know!!

Thank you!

Troop #532 has sent us thanks for those girls that took the time tonight to go and tell their troop about what they love about Brownies.  The girls apparently had a wonderful time meeting our girls!

Thank you so much to everyone who came!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Meeting reminder for 5/7 and help needed for 5/21

Hi all!

For those of you who have said you can make it Tuesday, please come to the Primary cafeteria at 6pm on Tues 5/7.  The girls should be in uniform and be prepared to talk with the other girls about what they have loved about being Brownies (it will be really informal - the younger girls really just want to have the experience of hearing from our girls).  We will also show the first grade troop the Bungalow song that our girls love so much!  It should take less than an hour, and it will help the first grade troop bridge from Daisies to Brownies.
I will not be able to be there on 5/7, as that is my monthly Girl Scout leader meeting night.  I am unclear if Niki and Rebekah will be there at this point.  However, both Devon and Teri will be there and will do a fantastic job with the girls!
I am still working on switching our meeting from 5/14 to 5/21 so that more girls can attend.  However, I do not currently have a location - the first grade troop was unable to switch us meeting times.  If anyone knows of a location big enough for our troop and parents that would let us use their space from 6-715 on Tues 5/21, please let me know.  Someone with a large house, someone's church, etc. would be ideas...