Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Updates and information!

Hi all - what a FANTASTIC meeting tonight!  We had a great time with our science experiments!  I think I can safely say that the soda geyser was the favorite (just judging by the volume of the screams!)

Several important items below - please read & respond ASAP if needed:

1) Tonight was the final cookie money turn in deadline - several people did not do so, which is a BIG problem.  You will be receiving an individual email from me with your outstanding balances - we need this resolved quickly!  I will be available at my house from 4-6pm tomorrow for those who need to turn in money.  The money you don't turn in is money the troop cannot use for supplies, patches, etc.  It is a big deal to the troop, so please turn in your money - remember, everyone agreed to be financially responsible for the cookies they took.

2) The Ladybug Tea is a free event being put on by another troop.  It is Sunday 4/7/113, from 1:30 to 3:30 at the Norman Train Depot.  It is ladies only, and dress in your Sunday-best!  If anyone else wants to sign up that did not do so already, you must let me know by tomorrow 3/27/13.

3) If your daughter missed a meeting and missed earning a patch, you can contact me to ask for makeup information.  The girls have earned several patches in the last few months, and almost everyone has been given their awards.  Please contact me if you feel like your daughter is missing one.

4) Our next meeting is next week 4/2/13, 6-7:15pm.  This is a different Tuesday than usual - we were asked to switch nights with another troop.  Please make sure to update your calendars.

5) As I told several parents tonight, our troop leadership is in great need of new volunteers.  We are losing two co-leaders the end of May, and myself and the remaining co-leaders are as yet unsure about next year.  We need many more volunteers to keep this large group together.  If you can volunteer to co-lead during meetings (involves running small group projects, setup and cleanup), or take on a specific task for the year such as snack coordination, planning and running a single meeting, keeping the financial records, or recording attendance and badges.....you are needed!!  Please let me know what you can do.

Thanks everyone - see you next week!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thin Mints needed!

Hi all!

Remy's mom is looking for a couple of boxes of Thin Mints.  If you have some you'd like to get rid of,  please contact me and I will get her your email.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Today's booth sale

Hi all - today's booth sale has been canceled.  Thanks

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Meeting notes & upcoming important dates!

Tonight we discussed first-aid: what to do in an emergency, how to call 911, and how to use first-aid supplies.  They got to hear their heartbeats and had the opportunity to have their blood pressure taken.  The girls also had a great time with the Dog-Cat song and celebrated Ms. Devon's birthday with cupcakes!

Tonight we handed out badges that the girls have earned to-date.  Some were from last fall that had been backordered, and some were from this spring.  I will bring badges for those girls that weren't able to attend tonight's meeting to the 3/26/13 meeting.  If your daughter is missing a patch, please let me know if you would like information on how to make up the lesson in order to earn the patch on her own.

Important info that I forgot to announce tonight:

ALL FINAL COOKIE MONEY IS DUE AT THE NEXT MEETING 3/26/13.  I will be sending out emails to those that gave me money tonight to give you an updated balance.  Everyone else should already know what their balance is from last week's email.  If you will not make the next meeting, you must make arrangements to get the money to me before 3/27.  I can make myself available most afternoons or early evenings if I know you are coming.  The troop still owes almost $2,000 in outstanding cookie money, so we must get our money turned in! 

There is a booth sale this Sunday from 2-4pm at the Westside Walmart - I need to know by tomorrow night (Wedsnesday 3/13) if you plan to attend.  This is a great opportunity for you to get rid of the last of your own supply of cookies as well.  Let me know if you are coming, and if you plan to attend, whether you are bringing cookies to sell of your own.  This is our last booth sale, and I do not intend to take new stock from the cupboard to run it.  However, if there isn't enough interest, we may cancel the sale.

There is a Daisy/Brownie Ladybug Tea being hosted by another troop 4/7/13 from 1:30-3:30 at the Norman Train Depot.  This event is free for each girl scout and one parent to attend, other guests are $5 each.  We must have a headcount for our RSVP by our next meeting on 3/26.  So, check your calenders and let me know if you plan to attend and how many will be coming.  It sounds like it will be REALLY fun!

Our April meetings will be held on the first and fourth Tuesday - we switched with the first-grade troop to accommodate their first-grade program.  Please don't forget and come on the wrong week!

As leaders, we are already looking towards next year, and deciding who will return to lead and in what capacity.  Our troop really needs more parent volunteers, even if it is only for one meeting or one event.  Please let me know if you would be able to volunteer to run a craft one meeting, pick up supplies for one or more meetings, or help direct a group activity during a meeting next year.  If you would be interested in co-leading the troop, that would also be a HUGE help.  This troop has gotten so big that we are facing the choice of splitting the troop if we cannot figure out how to better share the load of running the troop.  Please let me know if you can help and in what capacity.  We love having the girls together, but I am concerned that we cannot best serve the girls as we are currently operating.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meeting reminder and call for supplies

Hi all - this is a reminder we have a meeting next Tuesday 3/12/13 from 6-7:15pm in the Primary cafeteria.  Please bring your cookie money so that we can get our last deposit in on time.  The sale has gone very well! 

The focus of this next meeting is first aid.  If you have any first aid supplies you would loan us for the evening like a wheelchair, crutches or a splint, or if you have supplies you would be willing to donate for the girls to work with during the meeting, such as ACE wrap, large band-aids, etc., we would appreciate it very much!!

If you could let me know if you plan to bring something, that would be wonderful - that way we know what we still need to get for the meeting.

Thanks so much!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Booth sale

OK - I only have Abby, Hailey, Kaylee and Beth signed up for the booth sale tomorrow from 2-4pm.  Please let me know by this afternoon FOR SURE whether your daughter will be there.  If we don't have at least four girls staying the entire time, then I will release the booth sale slot to another troop.

We still have about 20 cases of cookies that the troop is responsible for selling - we ordered these based on last year's booth sale participation numbers.  Unfortunately, this year's participation is way down from last year.  I know everyone is busy, but we've got to get out and sell these cookies so that the troop doesn't have to pay for them.

Even if you can only come for an hour, or if you can drop off your daughter but not stay, PLEASE consider participating tomorrow.  The last opportunity we have for a booth sale is Sunday 3/17 from 2-4pm.  Historically, we've sold less cookies at the later booth sales.
