Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School!

Hi Brownie Families!  It's back-to-school time already...

We are tentatively planning on starting meetings again the second Tuesday in September, 6-7:15pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  We are waiting for the District to approve our meeting space request, then we are ready to start - I will let everyone know once we have approval.  We will be making our Brownie t-shirts as our craft!

Please remember your checkbooks for the first meeting - dues are $12 to Council and $15 to the troop for supplies (this is for the year - it covers supplies, badges, snacks, etc.).  I have attached the annual forms to the email - you can fill them out & bring them to the meeting, or just fill out a copy there.  As we have had multiple issues with receiving payments, we are asking that all payments be made at the first of the school year.  If this is an problem for your family, please see Misty about a scholarship form for a Council or Troop sponsored scholarship.  If you still have a balance from last year, you must bring that account up-to-date before we can re-register your daughter for this year.

There will be a sign-up list at our first meeting for a few things we need help with.  None of the items on the list take a lot of time individually, but will save the leaders a TON of time!

If anyone's company would be interested in sponsoring the troop for a charitable donation please email me - we would love to be able to afford a special troop outing or be able to sponsor an additional girl or two!

Below are links to the Facebook page & the blog - as emails often get lost in the shuffle, please consider using one or the other to obtain troop information:
Search Facebook for "Troop 3412" or use

Hope to see everyone soon!