Monday, June 25, 2012

Lemonade Stand tally

The lemonade stand this weekend was a success!  I know that we made at least $125 - we are waiting to hear the final number from the Warren.  Not bad for four hours of work!  Each mom & daughter also received free movie tickets to use later.  Thanks to the Warren!

Looking forward to the Zoo Snooze!  More information will come in the upcoming weeks.


Erika's Kidney Transplant Fund

The troop has been asked to donate to the Erika Ramirez fund.  If you haven't heard about her yet, she is a soon-to-be fifth grader at Truman that ended up suddenly going into kidney failure the last week of 4th grade & is now on dialysis and awaiting a kidney transplant.  Apparently her family's home is not habitable for an immuno-compromised child, nor they do not have medical insurance.  The Truman PTA has started fundraising as well.  If you have a vote on the troop donating, or if you would like to add a personal donation to the troop's, please let me know.  You can also make a personal donation on your own at any Bank 1st under "Erika's Kidney Transplant Fund".


Bridging picture

Calling all pictures!  I don't have any pictures from Bridging - if you have some, please send them to me to post!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lemonade Stand & Zoo Snooze update

We have 6 girls signed up for the lemonade stand & 12 for the Snooze!

Please have your girls wear their Daisy uniforms this Friday for the lemonade stand so that they can show off all the patches they earned as Daisies.  I will meet everyone in the lobby of the Warren at just before 1pm on Saturday.

More info to come soon about the Snooze.

Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zoo Snooze & lemonade stand

Hi Brownie families!  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I know we are!

There are two upcoming events that I need RSVP's for:

1) The Zoo Snooze on 7/13-7/14.  So far I have the following girls' RSVP's: Abby, Hailey, Ava, Remy, Sophia, Miranda, Madelyn, Sophia, Grace K., Hannahlaine, & Laryssa.  Niki and I are both attending, but we need 1-2 other moms to attend.  If any other girls want to still RSVP or if any moms are already planning on going, please let me know by next Friday 6/15. There is no charge to the girls for this event.

2)  The Warren has invited our troop to run a lemonade stand on Saturday 6/23 from 1-5.  Our troop will receive $0.50 from each cup sold & each girl that participates will also receive a free movie ticket to use at a later date.  This has the potential to make our troop a nice extra chunk of change for a few hours of work!   Niki will be at the theater working, but unable to run the sale with me, so I will also need 1-2 other parents to help.  Please let me know by this Sunday 6/17 (Father's Day) whether or not your Brownie could come for all or part of the sale. I need to determine if we would have enough participants to successfully run the booth.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!