Sunday, December 9, 2012

Special meeting reminder

Hi all!  Don't forget our holiday meeting is this Tuesday, 6-7:15pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  The girls are welcome to dress up for the party or just wear their regular uniform.  All the girls are supposed to bring a treat they have made or helped make to share with the group.  As the girls will also be receiving the badges they have earned this semester, families are welcome if they would like to watch their Brownie receive her awards.

Don't forget to bring makeup lessons with you Tuesday - I still have several girls that need to makeup lessons before they will complete some badges - please email me if you have questions.

**PLEASE don't forget to bring any clothing your daughter has collected during our two-week clothing drive.  This will complete our philanthropy project this fall.

We will be making a small craft during the meeting for Mrs. Eislen as well.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Meeting reminder & holiday updates

Hi Brownie families:

This post has a lot of information, so bear with me :)

1) If you missed the 11-27 meeting, I emailed the makeup lesson to everyone - please let me know if you did not receive it.  Please have your daughter complete it and return it to the next meeting.

2) If your daughter has not yet made up a lesson she missed, please have her do so & bring it to the next meeting!  We are receiving all the badges we have earned this semester during our holiday party next week.  If you are unsure if your daughter has made up everything, please email me.

3) The holiday party is set for 12-11-12 during our regular meeting from 6-7:15pm.  The girls are encouraged to dress up if they would like, but they don't have to.  Don't forget that they need to bring a treat that they helped make to share.  This will complete a badge for them that they will receive during the meeting, so don't forget!  So far the following girls have signed up to bring:
 Remi: Woof woof cookies
 Laryssa - chocolate covered strawberries
 Lanie - don't know yet
 Abby - rollo turtles
 Grace K. - cookies
 Hailey - peanut clusters
 Ava - puppy chow
 Madelyn - rice krispie treats or muddy buddies

4) Our clothing drive is running this week and next week - please have your daughters clean out their closets for gently used items, as well as asking her siblings, friends, etc.  Please bring the items collected to the holiday meeting, as we will be donating them to local youth shelters.

5) Our Jump Zone party is set for 12/15 from 2-3:45pm.  The girls in the troop are free, and siblings are welcome at $10 each.  If your daughter was unable to come to the holiday party, she can bring her clothing drive donations to the Jump Zone party as well.

That's all for now - looking forward to seeing everyone next week!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Meeting reminder & help needed!

Hi everyone - don't forget our next meeting is this Tuesday in the Truman Primary cafeteria from 6-7:15pm.  To my knowledge, we haven't been bumped to the library again. :)

Also, we are in need of a mom or dad who can attend GAP this coming Friday to take a couple of Brownies and one of the posters we are making on Tuesday and speak for a couple of minutes on our clothing drive.  We can give you all the information on Tuesday - it's really simple!!  Ms. Eislen wants someone from the troop to speak before we can set out boxes and posters for the week-long drive.  Unfortunately, we don't have a leader that can attend.  Can one of the parents that is already available that Friday take this on?  Please let me know ASAP so we can get you the information needed.

Thanks all - see you Tuesday!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meeting reminder & boxes needed!

Hi all - a quick reminder that we have a meeting this Tuesday at 6pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  We will be discussing our holiday philanthropy, so please attend if you can!

We will be handing out badges completed this semester at the Jump Zone party in December, so please have your daughter complete her makeup lesson if she missed a meeting and bring it to me at an upcoming meeting.

Finally, we are in need of a couple of large boxes to use in our holiday philanthropy.  If anyone has large boxes they could bring on Tuesday, please let me know!

Thanks everyone - we will see you on Tuesday!

Monday, October 29, 2012


Emails went out this morning to every family with a Brownie that needs to make up a missed meeting.  I attached the makeup lesson information to the email.  If you did not receive an email, then your daughter is on track to receive all badges we have been working on. 

Also, I am working on setting up the holiday party.  The plan is to use a Jump Zone certificate our troop was given by another troop so that there is no cost to attend this party!  I am trying for 12/15/12, but I will let everyone know once we have a firm date and time.  Siblings will be welcome - I will let you know what the cost is for siblings as soon as I have it.

The girls will also be asked to make a food item to bring to the party, which will complete a badge we have been working on.  It will be a great way to celebrate the end of our philanthropy project, receive badges we've been working on all semester, and celebrate the holiday season together.

Look forward to seeing everyone on 11/13/12, which is our next meeting.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Holiday philanthropy project

The Halloween meeting last week was a huge success!  I hope your daughter had as much fun as mine did!!

As part of our Brownie journey, we will be doing a philanthropy project this holiday season.  We've chosen to collect clothing items for the Mid-Del Youth Center - they counsel at-risk youths, as well as provide emergency housing for children in need.  They need any size clothing, though their greatest need is sizes youth 4-12.  Warm clothing, PJ's, coats and shoes are in big demand right now, since the weather has turned cold.

We are going to work with Ms. Eislein to see if she will let us have donation boxes at the school.  However, we are also asking the girls to start collecting clothing from their own closets that they have outgrown, as well as asking their friends and family for donations.  We will discuss and set appropriate goals that the troop wants to reach at the next meeting. 

We are planning on having a special holiday party to celebrate what I am sure will be a successful first attempt at a philanthropy project!  If you get a chance, please discuss this idea with your daughter, so that she is prepared to bring a few items or an idea or two on how we can collect clothing items for this wonderful organization.

Thanks so much!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sunday open house at Truman & meeting reminder

OK, the list of participants for Sunday as I know it is as follows:

Rebekah & Kaylee
Devon & Madelyn
Remi - possibly
Grace K.
Laryssa - possibly
Niki & Hailey

Abby & I have a family conflict we didn't know about earlier, so we won't be there.  However, there will be three other leaders in attendance.  Please have your Brownie dress in her uniform.  Mrs. Eiselin has asked that our girls show guests around the school during the open house.  I think having the girls operate on a buddy system would be a good idea as well.

Mrs. Eiselin really appreciates our help and support! 

See everyone on Tuesday - don't forget to have your Brownie wear a costume and act like whatever character she is portraying.  We have a fun night planned!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Get in free to the Zoo on Saturday!

Don't forget Saturday is Girl Scouts Day at the Zoo! If you wear your Girl Scout uniform, you get in free!! Also, family members can bring a pumpkin as big as their head and also get in free. :)


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meeting reminder & other incidentals

Hi all!  It's that time again - our next meeting is Tuesday 10/9/12 from 6-7:15pm in the Primary cafeteria.  Please note that this year's meeting doesn't end until 7:15 - we understand if you have to leave early, but we are scheduling the meeting to run just a little longer in order to get nearly 20 girls through all their activities. 

You will notice we have more leaders this year - with such a large troop, we needed more help!  Niki and I will remain the main leaders, but we are so glad to welcome our new co-leaders Devon (Madelyn's mom), Teri (Sophia's mom), and Rebekah (Kaylee's mom).  We still appreciate the parents that stay for the meeting to keep the social conversations at a low volume and to help us track girls escaping out of the cafeteria.  Keeping an eye on 20 wiggly girls is a challenge & we appreciate everyone's extra eyes!

This blog has the most information about upcoming events, insignia placement, earning extra badges, as well as a copy of the emails I send out, so check back regularly.  We also have a Facebook page (search Troop 3412 & ask to join the closed group), which we post pictures of activities as well as a copy of the emails sent to the group.

The girls are scheduled to earn all or part of a badge at every meeting, so it is important for her to attend if possible. If she does not attend and still wants to receive credit for the badge we worked on, please contact Misty about what she needs to do to make up the badge. Brownies badges require more work than the Daisy badges, but are still easily made up.

For our meeting next Tuesday, we asked parents to pitch in and help us with a list of items so the girls can create their own trail mix and drink.  Below is the list as it stands now - if you can fill in one of the blank spots, please let me know!  Thanks to those who have already signed up!

Punch bowl and ladle to borrow - Madelyn
Package of M&M's - Grace Koop
Package of peanuts - **still needed**
Small box of cereal (Crispix, Chex or Cheerio's) - **still needed**
Bag of pretzels - Miranda
1 liter of grape juice - **still needed**1 liter of cranberry juice - Kaylee
1 liter of apple juice - Laryssa
1 liter of orange juice - **still needed**2 liter of Sprite Zero - Remy
Cups (enough for 20 girls) - **still needed**Bag of ice - **still needed**

We enjoyed meeting our newest Brownie, Kaylee last meeting and are looking forward to welcoming another new Brownie, Sarah this week.  We will plan on having an Investiture ceremony in November for our new girls.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Birthday Bash!

Hi Brownie families!  We have been invited to the Juliette Gordon Lowe birthday bash!   They get a chance to interact with older Girl Scouts, sing songs, eat cupcakes, etc.  The girls that went last time really had a great experience!  See the email below from Troop #3313 for more details.  We have been asked to bring 2 dozen cupcakes for the event - do I have a parent willing to make or purchase the cupcakes for the event?
If your Brownine would like to attend, please RSVP to me by October 10 (next Wednesday).  There is no cost for attending, just fun had by all!
Hello Truman Girl Scout Leaders,
We had so much fun last year that we are doing it again!
Come join us on Wednesday, October 17th, from 6:30 to 7:30-ish in the Truman Elementary cafeteria for the All Truman GS Troop Juliette Low Birthday Bash.
Our 3rd Grade Brownie Troop 3313 will provide a craft, two or three large group songs, and paper goods. We will also bring 2 dozen cupcakes.
We'd appreciate you sharing this information with your troop and joining in the fun!  We are asking each troop to bring 2 dozen cupcakes and a song to sing.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back to School!

Hi Brownie Families!  It's back-to-school time already...

We are tentatively planning on starting meetings again the second Tuesday in September, 6-7:15pm in the Truman Primary cafeteria.  We are waiting for the District to approve our meeting space request, then we are ready to start - I will let everyone know once we have approval.  We will be making our Brownie t-shirts as our craft!

Please remember your checkbooks for the first meeting - dues are $12 to Council and $15 to the troop for supplies (this is for the year - it covers supplies, badges, snacks, etc.).  I have attached the annual forms to the email - you can fill them out & bring them to the meeting, or just fill out a copy there.  As we have had multiple issues with receiving payments, we are asking that all payments be made at the first of the school year.  If this is an problem for your family, please see Misty about a scholarship form for a Council or Troop sponsored scholarship.  If you still have a balance from last year, you must bring that account up-to-date before we can re-register your daughter for this year.

There will be a sign-up list at our first meeting for a few things we need help with.  None of the items on the list take a lot of time individually, but will save the leaders a TON of time!

If anyone's company would be interested in sponsoring the troop for a charitable donation please email me - we would love to be able to afford a special troop outing or be able to sponsor an additional girl or two!

Below are links to the Facebook page & the blog - as emails often get lost in the shuffle, please consider using one or the other to obtain troop information:
Search Facebook for "Troop 3412" or use

Hope to see everyone soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Zoo Snooze was a success!!

The Snooze was an adventure!  We all enjoyed our guide Amanda, and all the animals she shared with us.  The night-time walk through the nocturnal animals was really intereseting & informative (Misty spent a lot of time dodging spiders & several moms got soaked by a sprinker!).  The morning walk through the Oklahoma Trails was fun because so many of the animals were really active.

Visit our Facebook page for more pictures!  Search Troop 3412 & request to join the group if you don't already belong.  It's a private group, so no pictures or information are available for anyone outside the group.  Also, being a member of the group doesn't automatically make you "friends" with everyone else in the group.  So no worries about people you don't know viewing your personal pages by joining the Troop's group.

I'm so glad so many girls could go this year - the girls were SO well-behaved & made troop 3412 proud! Looking forward to another great year!  Look for more information about Back-to-school night & our first meeting in September soon.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Zoo Snooze

OK Zoo Snooze attendees - please look for an email from me with details about next week's event!  It's going to be so much fun!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Lemonade Stand tally

The lemonade stand this weekend was a success!  I know that we made at least $125 - we are waiting to hear the final number from the Warren.  Not bad for four hours of work!  Each mom & daughter also received free movie tickets to use later.  Thanks to the Warren!

Looking forward to the Zoo Snooze!  More information will come in the upcoming weeks.


Erika's Kidney Transplant Fund

The troop has been asked to donate to the Erika Ramirez fund.  If you haven't heard about her yet, she is a soon-to-be fifth grader at Truman that ended up suddenly going into kidney failure the last week of 4th grade & is now on dialysis and awaiting a kidney transplant.  Apparently her family's home is not habitable for an immuno-compromised child, nor they do not have medical insurance.  The Truman PTA has started fundraising as well.  If you have a vote on the troop donating, or if you would like to add a personal donation to the troop's, please let me know.  You can also make a personal donation on your own at any Bank 1st under "Erika's Kidney Transplant Fund".


Bridging picture

Calling all pictures!  I don't have any pictures from Bridging - if you have some, please send them to me to post!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lemonade Stand & Zoo Snooze update

We have 6 girls signed up for the lemonade stand & 12 for the Snooze!

Please have your girls wear their Daisy uniforms this Friday for the lemonade stand so that they can show off all the patches they earned as Daisies.  I will meet everyone in the lobby of the Warren at just before 1pm on Saturday.

More info to come soon about the Snooze.

Looking forward to it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Zoo Snooze & lemonade stand

Hi Brownie families!  I hope everyone is enjoying their summer - I know we are!

There are two upcoming events that I need RSVP's for:

1) The Zoo Snooze on 7/13-7/14.  So far I have the following girls' RSVP's: Abby, Hailey, Ava, Remy, Sophia, Miranda, Madelyn, Sophia, Grace K., Hannahlaine, & Laryssa.  Niki and I are both attending, but we need 1-2 other moms to attend.  If any other girls want to still RSVP or if any moms are already planning on going, please let me know by next Friday 6/15. There is no charge to the girls for this event.

2)  The Warren has invited our troop to run a lemonade stand on Saturday 6/23 from 1-5.  Our troop will receive $0.50 from each cup sold & each girl that participates will also receive a free movie ticket to use at a later date.  This has the potential to make our troop a nice extra chunk of change for a few hours of work!   Niki will be at the theater working, but unable to run the sale with me, so I will also need 1-2 other parents to help.  Please let me know by this Sunday 6/17 (Father's Day) whether or not your Brownie could come for all or part of the sale. I need to determine if we would have enough participants to successfully run the booth.

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bridging rain-out plan

OK all, the rain-out plan for Bridging is the Lowery room at the Library.  We are supposed to go to the park first & will be directed to the library once the official rain-out switch has been made.  See everyone at 2!


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Brownie Bridging reminders

Hi parents!  A couple of reminders for Brownie Bridging this weekend:

1) The event is on Sunday from 2-4 at Andrew's Park.  We will be located in the covered pavilion near the playground.  I would suggest bringing some portable chairs if you'd like to sit down.  They are expecting about 200 people in attendance (94 of those are from our troop!).

2) Don't forget that if you haven't paid the $36.25 for your daughter's Brownie uniform, I need a check this weekend!  I have to do our end-of-year finances report for Council, so I need everyone paid & off the books.

3) You don't need to bring anything for the ceremony - everything is provided.

4) As of yet, there is no rain-out plan.  If it's looking stormy, please call me to verify that Council is still having the event at 834-6247 or email me at

5) I've attached a picture of the book we are using this fall - you are not required to purchase one, just FYI.  I have a copy for the troop, though you can easily pick one up through Amazon if you want your own copy.  We haven't had luck getting the girls to use their own copies yet, so I didn't want to ask everyone to buy one unless it looked like we were going to use it heavily.

6) I've also attached a copy of the insignia placement sheet for Brownies so that you will know where to put all the new patches.  Most of them now come with iron-on backing already.  I highly recommend a product called Badge Magic for everything else.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Bridging info & our upcoming meeting

Hi Daisy families!

For our final meeting next week, we are planting flowers in the front flower beds at Truman Primary as our service project to earn our Clover Journey Award for making the world a better place.  If at all possible, please have your Daisy at the meeting, as this is the one opportunity we have planned for this badge.  Also, anyone who could bring a garden spade or two would also be appreciated, so that the girls aren't all planting with spoons :)

Second, everyone that is continuing on with us to Brownies in the fall has RSVP'd for the Bridging ceremony - THANK YOU!!  However, I didn't know I was supposed to get an RSVP for everyone attending - they need a head count for refreshments. Could you please let me know ASAP how many people from your family will attend the Bridging ceremony?  Also, we are planning on bringing some of the portable foldable athletic event chairs to sit on - I would assume they will run out of seating in the pavilion.

Thanks it!  Hope to see everyone next week!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Meeting notes 4/24/12

We had a really good time with the Cadettes!!  Thanks so much for Yvonne & Caroline Maloan for making it happen - we look forward to another opportunity to do something together.

Parents, please check the newsletter I sent home, or the dates listed on the right side of the blog, or the dates listed on Facebook - there are several upcoming events & RSVP dates looming close.

Our final vote on Brownie uniforms:

Vest $6.00
We are making our own shirts, which will average about $5.00 each
Council ID patch $6.00
Insignia $2.50
Brownie Pin $1.50
Wavy Flag $1.75
Numbers $5.00
Membership star & disk $5.00
Hair bow $3.50__________________________________
                                            TOTAL PER GIRL:  $36.25

Please get a check to Misty for your soon-to-be Brownie’s uniform by Bridging on 5/20. 

If that will be an issue with payment or if you wish to use cookie dough that hasn’t been received yet, please email Misty at or call 834-6247 and we will figure out a payment schedule.

The only fee that should be left for the 2012-2013 school year is the annual $12 registration fee due to Council in September.  However, I think that each girl sold enough cookies to have ended up with enough cookie dough to cover the expense. Who-hoo! We will receive those gift cards in time for the fall registration.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Meeting reminder & Lazy Daisy Day info

Hi all - this is a reminder that we have a special meeting this Tuesday from 6-7 at the Truman Cafeteria. We have a troop of Cadette Girl Scouts coming and leading our meeting, which should be SO much fun for the girls! I hope everyone can make it!

Also, for the families that are attending Lazy Daisy Day, I need two parents that are able to stay & help corral kiddos during the event other than myself. Niki has to work & is unable to attend, so I need some help! :) Please let me know if you will be staying and are willing to help me keep track of our girls.

Thanks so much all - we have some fun events in the near future & I know the girls are really looking forward to them!


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Don't forget that our next meeting 4/24 is being run by Caroline Maloan's older sister's Cadette troop! Our Daisies will have the opportunity to work with the older girls for the entire meeting! I hope everyone can come!

Missing patches??

If your girl is missing any petal patches or the Blue Buck or Clover award from her rectangular Journey patch, please let me know. We should only have the Firefly award from the Journey patch left to earn.

LOTS of meeting information & upcoming dates

OK Daisy families - a LOT of info covered last night:

4/21/12 at 10am
89ers Parade in Downtown Norman
Meet in the east parking lot at Norman High at 9:30
We will be working on decorations during the meeting on 4/10/12.
**We have two parents with trucks to drive the girls, but we still need a couple of parents who would be willing to ride/walk with us to contain kiddos. We need a head count of attendees by 4/15/12.

4/28 2-4pm
Lazy Daisy Day
Lowery Room, NPL
Free fun event for Daisies at the Library! Wear jammies, sing songs & have a snack. Watch a play & earn a patch. RSVP to Misty by 4/13/12. (extended from 4/11)

5/20 2-4pm
Brownie Bridging Ceremony
Andrews Park, east side covered picnic area near the playground
GS Council is funding the ceremony & the older scouts are involved in the ceremony.
It should be really fun! We will discuss during the meeting about uniforms, etc.
We are assuming you are coming unless I hear from you!

7/13 pm to 7/14 am
Zoo Snooze Overnight
$250 - the troop is covering the cost of this event
This is the same event we attended last year – the girls had SOOO much fun! It’s an overnight & nighttime walk in the zoo. We need enough parents for at least one adult per five girls attending.
RSVP to Misty by 5/31/12.

First, thanks to all who have already responded to the RSVP deadlines for upcoming events! Please let me know ASAP if you are attending something in the upcoming weeks.

On Brownie Bridging, we are assuming that everyone is coming unless I hear differently from you. At the parent meeting last night, we voted to go ahead and purchase the Brownie sash & appropriate patches/pins so that we can present them to the girls at the Bridging. I am purchasing these supplies this weekend & it comes to $27 per girl - please either bring me a check next meeting or drop one in the mail to me (4905 Portland Street 73072). We decided against the Brownie beanie (Andrea Windes is looking into a cute bow or headband instead - will let you know what we find out & we can vote accordingly). We have also decided to make a t-shirt with tye-dye or spray paint later this summer or fall as a project with the girls instead of spending another $15-20 on a Brownie shirt. The troop will be able to fund the t-shirts and related expenses, as well as patches, etc. that they earn next year.

Since the meeting last night, we have collected all but $475 of outstanding cookie money, (part of the outstanding money is 50 boxes of cookies in the troop's possession). If you know of someone who wants any more cookies, let me know. As soon as we collect the last of the cookie money, then we should be set for the year for supplies, etc. As the girls are brownies for two years, we shouldn't have much (if any) in the way of fees for the next couple of years, unless the group votes to do something special that isn't included in the budget. The only exception is the $12 annual fee that we all have to pay to Council.

**Lastly, if you are not planning on continuing with the troop next year or do not want to purchase a sash for your Daisy for bridging, I NEED TO KNOW NO LATER THAN SUNDAY 4/15, as I am placing the order Sunday night. Otherwise you will be financially responsible for the sash & badges purchased.

This year has been a period of serious growth for our troop. I have decided to stay on as leader, Niki has decided to stay on as co-leader, and we have voted to keep the troop together instead of splitting into two smaller troops. Remy's mother, Angela, and Madelyn's mom, Devon have also agreed to help co-lead the troop. We will still need more parent involvement during meetings/activities and field trips to make sure that we can contain that many girls as well as help direct them in activities. We REALLY appreciate everyone last night who committed to helping more in the fall. The leaders will get a plan together this summer so that we know better what to ask parents to help with in the fall. The girls love being together & we look forward to growing this group together and having many wonderful experiences in the future!

Thanks all - please feel free to contact me with any questions/ideas/concerns!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Meeting reminder

Hi Daisy families~

Our next meeting is this Tuesday from 6-7 in the Primary cafeteria. The girls will be continuing projects towards our Journey Patches!

Parents, I will be giving out several important pieces of information at the meeting about important upcoming dates, uniform information for Brownies, cookie sale numbers, as well as looking for parental input on possible late spring/summer activities, such as Brownie camp. We will also be handing out cookie participation pins & petal patches and Journey patches. If it's at all possible for you to attend, we would appreciate it! If not, you might want to let me know so that I can send you as much info as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More help needed for the booth sale!

So far, we have three girls signed up to sell cookies on Sun March 25th from 2-4 at the Wal Mart on 12th in Norman. We have 100 boxes of cookies that the troop still needs to get rid of - we are financially responsible for these cookies, which means the troop will be out $350 if we don't work together! Please let me know if you can come for all or part of the sale!


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meeting reminder & booth sale numbers

Today's booth sale went really well! Abby, Hailey, Garner, Ava, Caroline, Aubrey & Grace sold 120 boxes in 2 hours!! GREAT JOB GIRLS!!

Don't forget we have a meeting this Tuesday at 6pm. IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED IN YOUR COOKIE MONEY: you MUST bring it to the meeting or make arrangements with Shelly ( to get it to her. We have to make our final cookie withdrawal payment this week & turn in the paperwork to finalize our sale, so we must have the money this week. Sorry to harp on it, we have several families with cookie money still out & we've got to wrap up the sale.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cookies are wrapping up...

Please remember our first booth sale is this Saturday from 12-2. If you signed up to sell on Saturday, or if you haven't signed up but are able to help the troop for all/part of the sale, please join us at the Hobby Lobby front entrance. Shelly Shipman MUST know by tonight if you have cookies you want to transfer to the troop for Saturday's sale. Please contact her at by tonight, otherwise you are responsible for your outstanding cookies.

If you have cookie money to turn in, we must have it NO LATER than the next meeting on 3/13 in order to make our final cookie withdrawal. If you are not able to attend, contact Shelly this week to arrange a money drop-off to her.

Cookies are almost over! The girls have really done some amazing sales numbers - they should all be proud!!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Meeting reminder & cookie/booth sale info

Hi Daisy families -

First, don't forget about our next meeting, which is scheduled for next Tuesday 2/28 at 6pm at the Truman Primary cafeteria.

Second, please make sure you're turning in cookie money regularly to Shelly. If you have not turned in money in a couple of weeks, you need to either bring it to next week's meeting or contact her to make arrangements to drop it off to her directly.

Third, if you have cookies that you don't think you are going to be able to sell, please contact Shelly or I by the end of next week. We can use them in one of our two booth sales in March, but we need to know before we order cookies for the booth sales, as we cannot return cookies to Council. On a side note, your girl can get credit towards her personal incentives if she participates in one or both of the booth sales - only the girls that help run the booth sales will get personal incentives credits. We will discuss in more detail at the meeting.

We will have signups for our two booth sales at next week's meeting. They are at Hobby Lobby Sat. March 10th from 12-2 and at Wal Mart on 12th Sun March 25th from 2-4. Neither is a huge time investment, but can really help create some revenue for the troop (for things like supplies, badges, etc.). I will be running the 3/10 sale and Niki will be running the 3/25 sale. If you would like to drop your girl off for one/both of the sales, please get with one of us & we can arrange it.

Thanks all! Hope to see everyone next Tuesday!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hi Daisy families! The cookie sale is off to a great start! Please remember to contact our cookie mom, Shelly Shipman at for more cookies. Also, don't forget we need to be turning in money regularly so that we can make our first ACH withdrawal to our troop account on 2/14.

Troops for Troops info below - it's a little simpler than last year. All you need to do is turn in the donation with the person's name/address and Girl Scouts will make sure that their money used for cookies to the military overseas.

Support Troops for Troops!

Help send a little taste of home to our military overseas. When you donate just $42 for a case of Girl Scout Cookies, Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma will work with Blue Star Moms and HUGS Oklahoma to make sure the cookies are sent to our military. Make your donation at any cookie booth or click here for an online donation to Troops for Troops.

Finally, we are officially signed up for two booth sales in March. One is at Hobby Lobby Sat. March 10, 12-2pm. The second is at the Wal Mart on 12th Sunday March 25, 2-4pm. We will have a signup sheet at an upcoming meeting to get our tables manned for the sales.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the sale.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meeting notes - 1/24/12

Another fantastic Daisy meeting! Thanks to Niki and Sayble for running the meeting while Shelly & I handed out cookies. The girls discussed cookie selling safety and made thank-you's for the Warren Theater for our movie outing last week. The older girls have now earned all their petal patches & will start working towards their Journey patch series. If your girl is missing petals, please see me at an upcoming meeting. If your girl is new this year, please email me a reminder what color petals they already have - Niki and I are working on putting together activities for some of our newer girls to complete at home to finish their petal patches.

If you have not received your initial order of cookies or if you need to order more cookies, please contact our cookie mom, Shelly Shipman (email me if you need contact information). We will be able to start getting booster orders of cookies on January 30th. Shelly is planning on delivering the cookies we were short tomorrow - please let Shelly or I know if you think you were shorted cookies and do not receive them tomorrow. Also, we must turn in money regularly - please plan on turning in money you've collected at the 2/14 meeting or arrange with Shelly or myself to drop money off. Council deducts money out of our account regularly for cookies, so we must be making regular deposits during the sale.

There was some concern tonight about the increase of cookies given to the girls in the initial order this year - we did increase the initial order by 6 shortbread and 12 thin mint boxes from last year. However, our sales per girl last year indicated that the increase would not be a hardship - if you find it is stressful or difficult to sell what you have, please let me know! We want this to be fun for the girls and not stressful for the parents - since we are planning on having a booth sale in a few weeks, we can easily get rid of your extras, as long as we know you have them to get rid of before we order more. Please don't feel pressured - we're just trying to meet the demand for cookies a little more efficiently than last year.

Remember, your girl earns $0.50 per box for the troop for every box she sells. We are planning to fund our Brownie Bridging ceremony, supplies fees, patches and field trips for the next year through cookie sales if possible! Also, don't forget your girl earns "cookie dough" based on the number of boxes she sells, and this money can be spent at the Council shop for next year's registration dues, books and uniforms.

Thanks so much to our wonderful parents! We hope this cookie season goes even better than last year!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Meeting reminder

See everyone at the meeting Tuesday night! We'll be handing out cookies! :)