Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First meeting update

We were originally planning to have our first meeting on Sept 13 from 6-7pm, but last night I learned that the 1st grade parents meeting is going to be from 6-630 that same night.

Instead of having a full meeting on 9/13, I want to have a brief parent's meeting from 6:30-7 (possibly shorter!) instead - I'll have a coloring page for the girls & we can get registration forms filled out & discuss the year.

Our first full meeting will be on Sept 27, 6-7pm. We have secured the Truman Primary cafeteria again, so meetings will be held at the same location as last year.

See you then!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Swim party a huge success!

Thanks so much to the Boswell's for hosting the Daisy swim party yesterday (and thanks to Stacy for the tasty shakes)! The girls had a wonderful time playing together & us moms got time to chat! We didn't really ever get around to a parents meeting, other than briefly discussing registration procedures & deadlines. We'll go over everything in September.

A couple of people are having trouble viewing the blog, so I have also started a closed Facebook group as another source of information. Only the members of the group can see the group's info, and group members cannot see each other's information unless they are "friends". Please search on Facebook for the "Troop 3412" group & ask to join if you would like access.

The link for online registration is here if you are paying by credit card. You can also cut & paste the following to your browser: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43. I have paper registration forms to fill out at the first meeting in September, if you would rather pay by cash/check or cookie dough incentives (if you haven't received yours yet, I have it).

Don't forget, our first meeting is the second Tuesday in September (9/13) from 6-7pm in the Truman Primary Cafeteria.

See you in September!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Registration information

The link for online registration is here. You can also cut & paste the following to your browser: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43.

I will have paper forms with me on Saturday as well. If you do renew online, please let me know!


Monday, August 1, 2011

ZooSnooze overnight

What a blast! The girls got to hear about local nocturnal animals & even pet a couple of them. Then we took a walk through the zoo after dark with our guide, Rachelle. We saw many animals that aren't as visible during the day visits. We stayed up REALLY late, and then took a morning zoo walk to visit the OKC Trails exhibit before packing up the party. Thanks to the 2nd grade Brownie troop for the invite!

Our next activity is the pool party at the Boswells on 8/13. Hope everyone can come! I'd like a chance to have a brief parents meeting sometime at the party to plan the upcoming year, hand out cookie dough & discuss a good meeting day/time for fall. I will also have registration forms and information.
