Master Rugh said he would be completely fine with setting up a second class if some of the girls would like to do it somtime this summer. His summer class schedule is lighter, so we were able to join in a regularly scheduled class that he turned into a self-defense lesson for us. If you would be interested in participating in another class later this summer so your Daisy can earn her red petal, let me know. If there is enough interest, I'll talk to him about it. The class would be on either a Monday or Wednesday from 6:15-7.
Looking forward to the pool party in August! More info to come on that soon.
Garner was so serious the whole time - this is the only pic I have of her smiling. She was going to learn how to beat people up! :)
Ava got into it more & more. She really shined in this part of the session where several black belts help "attack" her.