Thursday, March 24, 2011

Meeting notes, 3/24/11

Tonight's meeting was small, as we were missing several Daisies. However, we still had a great time completing Claire's Investiture, reading Fancy Nancy's book on Earth Day, discussing what it means to "Be Green", and finally decorating a flower pot & planting a Daisy to take home.

Activities at tonight's meeting and the last meeting have earned the girls another petal patch for their uniforms. If your Daisy missed either or both meetings and you would like the supplies to complete these activities on your own, please let me know.

Cookie sales are over this weekend!! THANK YOU to everyone who has promptly made their payments so that I haven't had to spend time chasing cookie money! If you have not turned in your final payment, PLEASE DO SO ASAP so that I can get our final deposit made.

I have received the girls' Cookie Participation Pins, and will complete the Troops for Troops patches soon. We are still five boxes short for the Troops for Troops patch, so please let me know if you can donate a box or two.

Our next meeting is 4/14 - please note that there are two weeks in between our meeting this time, as there are five weeks in March.

Thanks all!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Meeting Reminder for 2/24/11

Hi Daisy moms!

Our next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 6pm. We will have a brief Investiture ceremony for our newest Daisy, Claire, and then will proceed to discussing the plant lifecycle and planting a seed. Laryssa is signed up to bring our snack.

We are nearing the end of the cookie sale, so PLEASE BRING YOUR COOKIE MONEY! Open-mouth smile

Hope to see everyone there!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meeting Notes - 3/10/11

This week we focused on learning about Mardi Gras and Earth Day. We made Mardi Gras feather masks and discussed a little about the history of Mardi Gras. We also talked about recycling and the history of Earth Day. Some girls even brought recycling items to put in our recycling bin! In all, another great meeting!

If you were not able to attend the meeting, I have a couple of packets put together for your girl so she can cover what we missed, as we were working towards a couple of patches this week. Also, I handed out the patches we have earned to-date. I will send out a digital copy of where the patches go on the girls' vests as well.

Next meeting we will be continuing our discussion about Earth Day and learning about the plant lifecycle, including planting a seed. Hope everyone can be there!

Cookie sales are coming to a close - I will be sending out individual emails to everyone with your current balance. Please arrange to get your cookie money to me or bring it to the next meeting, as we will need ALL FUNDS in by March 30th. Also, we are within 7 boxes of earning the Troop for Troops badge for each girl who sold cookies! Please help our girls make their goal so that they can earn this extra patch! I have already ordered and received our cookie participation pins, and they are way-cute!

Thanks all!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meeting reminder / cookie updates

Hi all! Don't forget we have a Daisy meeting this Thursday, 3/10 at 6pm in our usual location at the Truman Primary Cafeteria.

1) This week we are making Mardi Gras masks, as Fat Tuesday falls this week. We will also begin a 2-part lesson on recycling, the plant lifecycle and environmental awareness, in honor of Earth Day which falls later this month. Please have your girl bring a couple of things to put in our recycle bin - preferably no cans with sharp edges please! :)

2) Cookie sales have gone wonderfully! The sales are starting to wind down, and as we have opted not to have a booth sale, I don't have nearly the cookie stock I had a few weeks ago. However, there are still a couple of moms wanting more cookies and a few moms with some extra boxes. If you have extra cookies, please bring them with you to the meeting - we will try to connect those who need cookies with those who still have some!

3) Please don't forget to bring the cookie money you have collected - we have met all withdrawal deadlines with ease so far, thanks to everyone being so prompt about turning in their money!

4) For those moms who are still paying out their girls' supplies fees, please don't forget to send your March payment with your girl. I'm so excited that we may not have to pay any supplies fees next year because of cookie sales revenues!

5) Lastly, we are one case of cookies away from meeting the 5-case minimum for the Troops for Troops program - what that means to everyone is that if we can all work together to get one more case (12 boxes) of cookies donated to the Troops for Troops program, then all of the girls who have participated in selling cookies this year will get a special badge to put on their uniform!! If everyone can get 1-2 boxes donated to the program, we will meet our goal!

See you Thursday!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Meeting Notes - 2/24/11

We had another great meeting, and the girls got to wear their new vests! We discussed the Girl Scout Thinking Day, what we might eat in different countries, colored flags from other countries, and made rainmakers.

Next meeting the girls will be getting an envelope containing all the patches they've earned to-date (I had them last week, but forgot to give them out). We still have more in reserve that they will earn in the coming months, and will hand them out as they earn them.

If you have ordered more cookies, please contact me ASAP to schedule a pickup. I don't think we will have to worry about handing in more cookie money before our next meeting, but I will let everyone know if that changes.

Thanks all!