Hi all - we are still ironing the kinks out of the 2012 cookie process. As soon as Council approves the change, Niki and Shelly Shipman are taking over cookie selling for this season. Thank you Niki & Shelly!! I am reviewing parental consent forms & will place the initial order by Tuesday.
Please let me know if you want more than the set pre-ordered amount for each girl to sell, which is as follows below. Please don't forget that you are financially responsible for the cookies, and no cookies can be returned. If you find there is one cookie you are having a hard time selling, then let Niki & Shelly know & they will try to help you find someone to switch with.
Each girl is set to receive the following from the initial order:
24 boxes Thin Mints
12 boxes Do-Si-Dos
12 boxes Samoas
12 boxes Tag-alongs
12 boxes Savannah Smiles (replaced lemon creme)
12 boxes Trefoil shortbread
If you want to have your girl receive more or less in her initial order, please let me know by Monday. Once I place the order on Tuesday, it cannot be changed. We will be able to get booster orders of cookies starting mid-to late February.
Remember, our goal with cookie selling this year is to pay for our Brownie Bridging ceremony & Brownie uniforms. If we cover that & still have extra, then covering next year's supplies would be next in line. Brownie bridging uniforms & the ceremony will run about $1,000 for 18 girls. With the troop earning $0.50 per box, that's a lot of cookies! Niki was scouting out some potential sites for a booth sale this year which could greatly increase our sales in an afternoon or two. Please let us know if you know of anyone who would have a great booth site location.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday!
See everyone on the 10th!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Investiture & Holiday party
What a fun party last night! I have a million pictures to sort through - as soon as I have that completed I will post pictures.
Four of our five new girls were Invested last night, and 14 of 15 older members received their one-year pin last night. Thanks so much for the wonderful holiday party food & decorations, organized by Emily and Stacy. We appreciate you so much!!
I received a call from Mrs. Eslein today about the girls being in the classrooms again last night during the meeting. If we can't get this problem under control, we will have our permission to use the cafeteria revoked. Please chat with your Daisy about the importance of staying where they are supposed to during the Daisy meetings and on field trips. Also, if parents could help monitor the girls that leave to use the bathroom during the meeting, it would be appreciated. Niki and I have our hands full during the meeting and would appreciate the assistance.
Thanks so much & I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday,
Four of our five new girls were Invested last night, and 14 of 15 older members received their one-year pin last night. Thanks so much for the wonderful holiday party food & decorations, organized by Emily and Stacy. We appreciate you so much!!
I received a call from Mrs. Eslein today about the girls being in the classrooms again last night during the meeting. If we can't get this problem under control, we will have our permission to use the cafeteria revoked. Please chat with your Daisy about the importance of staying where they are supposed to during the Daisy meetings and on field trips. Also, if parents could help monitor the girls that leave to use the bathroom during the meeting, it would be appreciated. Niki and I have our hands full during the meeting and would appreciate the assistance.
Thanks so much & I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Meeting reminder
Just a quick reminder that next Tuesday (12/13) at 6pm is our holiday party & Investiture ceremony! We will be Investing the new girls & the older members will be getting a special pin to show they have been a member for a year. Please have all the girls wear their vests & shirts to the meeting. Bags/books will not be needed. We are also having our holiday party the same night - thanks so much to Stacy Bell for organizing this event!!
For the new girls, the final cost for all the uniform supplies is $40. If you could, please bring me a check to the meeting. It it's not possible for you to pay all of it right now, please let me know & we'll work out what works. :)
For the new girls, the final cost for all the uniform supplies is $40. If you could, please bring me a check to the meeting. It it's not possible for you to pay all of it right now, please let me know & we'll work out what works. :)
I still have a couple of families who need to pay the supplies fee for the year - please let me know if the fee is a problem for your family & we'll work it out.
See you next week~
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Meeting notes 11/8/11
We had thirteen girls tonight, which was actually more than I expected, considering there were several conflicting events tonight. We talked about being a sister to other Girl Scouts, and really focused on explaining to the girls that all Girl Scouts follow the laws of the Girl Scout Promise, which makes them all sisters in scouting. We made holiday ornaments & even made some extra to send to a sister troop in California. They are supposed to be sending us a package soon too, which the girls will love! We had a fun game that involved lots of running (everyone should sleep well tonight...). We finished with our Daisy song and practiced our new "Make New Friends" song. Please tell the girls to keep practicing!
I covered several housekeeping items tonight with the parents. Please note the following items:
I hope everyone has a safe & happy Thanksgiving holiday & we will look forward to seeing everyone in December!
I covered several housekeeping items tonight with the parents. Please note the following items:
- Our next meeting is December 13, from 6-7 in the Truman Primary cafeteria. This will be our holiday party and Investiture. Our returning girls will all receive their 1-year pin & disc and our new girls will receive their blue vest & pins/patches. Everyone will also receive petal patches we have earned this fall. We will probably also do a small craft - just regular Daisy uniforms are fine...not holiday dress-up required! Stacy Bell & Emily Leidner have agreed to coordinate the party side of the meeting - she will be contacting everyone at some point to organize the festivities. THANK YOU STACY & EMILY!!
- The 12/13 meeting will also conclude the meeting until after the holiday break as well. We will resume regular meetings the second week of January at the usual time/place.
- I still need to get registration/supplies fees from a couple of people. I will be emailing reminders individually to those on my list. Cash or check is fine - checks can be made out to Troop 3412 if payment is for supplies, and to Girl Scouts of Western OK if for registration.
- I need to know by the end of the weekend if you are missing any patches. All the girls should have all their petals except light pink, rose, purple and red - these some people have and some don't. If your Daisy is missing another color petal, or if you are missing the rectangular Journey patch with the blue bucket (see the blog for a picture), I need to know so that I can order you another.
I hope everyone has a safe & happy Thanksgiving holiday & we will look forward to seeing everyone in December!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Meeting notes - 10/25/11
This meeting focused on backyard ecosystems & engangered species. We talked a lot about what an ecosystem was and how each part of the ecosystem was important. We also discussed how when an ecosystem isn't working correctly how it can cause a species of plant, animal or insect to become endangered or even extinct. The girls did really well understanding these complicated concepts and participating in the discussions! We also made bird feeders to hang in our yards to help our own backyard ecosystems.
If anyone still needs a t-shirt or book, please let me know. I have one Daisy shirt to make this week already, so let me know if you need one as well. I also still have a couple of the Journey books, which you can read together at home when we are not using them at the meeting.
Hope to see everyone next week!
If anyone still needs a t-shirt or book, please let me know. I have one Daisy shirt to make this week already, so let me know if you need one as well. I also still have a couple of the Journey books, which you can read together at home when we are not using them at the meeting.
Hope to see everyone next week!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Girl Scout Bash!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Informational updates
The pumpkin patch today was great fun! We were glad to see a couple of Daisy friends.
Don't forget about the Juliette Gordon Low All Truman Troop Birthday Bash in the Primary cafeteria on Wednesday, October 19th, from 6:30 to 7:30. Abby & I are going, as are several other Daisy friends. Hope you can attend!
Sorry for the confusion recently about the upcoming meeting schedule. With my school schedule & Niki getting ready to be out of town, we've been having issues! The final decision: we will have a regular meeting on 10/25 and on 11/8 as normal. There will be no meeting 11/22, which is the week of Thanksgiving. The next meeting is tentatively 12/13, but we will confirm that as it gets closer.
We have decided to put off Investiture till December or January (possibly during the holiday party??). We want to make sure most of the girls can be there for the celebration, and through November is just nuts for everyone.
Everyone is now registered & most people have paid their supplies fees. I have a few more items to order, so if you have lost a patch or pin or book, please let me know ASAP so I can add it to my order.
FYI, we have been discussing the importance of the buddy system in our meetings, in preparation to start going on more field trips with the girls. If you can continue to stress the importance of staying with their buddy at meetings and checking in with a leader before leaving the group, we would really appreciate it!
Looking forward to seeing Daisy friends this week!
Don't forget about the Juliette Gordon Low All Truman Troop Birthday Bash in the Primary cafeteria on Wednesday, October 19th, from 6:30 to 7:30. Abby & I are going, as are several other Daisy friends. Hope you can attend!
Sorry for the confusion recently about the upcoming meeting schedule. With my school schedule & Niki getting ready to be out of town, we've been having issues! The final decision: we will have a regular meeting on 10/25 and on 11/8 as normal. There will be no meeting 11/22, which is the week of Thanksgiving. The next meeting is tentatively 12/13, but we will confirm that as it gets closer.
We have decided to put off Investiture till December or January (possibly during the holiday party??). We want to make sure most of the girls can be there for the celebration, and through November is just nuts for everyone.
Everyone is now registered & most people have paid their supplies fees. I have a few more items to order, so if you have lost a patch or pin or book, please let me know ASAP so I can add it to my order.
FYI, we have been discussing the importance of the buddy system in our meetings, in preparation to start going on more field trips with the girls. If you can continue to stress the importance of staying with their buddy at meetings and checking in with a leader before leaving the group, we would really appreciate it!
Looking forward to seeing Daisy friends this week!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Meeting 9/27/11
Our first regular meeting of the year went well! We welcomed 5 new friends, and reviewed the Promise & Song. We also discussed and created our new Kaper Chart to use this year during meetings.
Our next meeting is this coming Tuesday, 10/11/11 from 6-7pm at the Primary cafeteria. We hope to see you all there!
Our next meeting is this coming Tuesday, 10/11/11 from 6-7pm at the Primary cafeteria. We hope to see you all there!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Information for our first meeting
Apparently I've told about half of the moms the wrong date for our first meeting! The meeting is actually 9/13 from 6-7pm at the Primary cafeteria. Somehow I'd gotten it in my head that our meeting was next week & was at the same time at the Truman Elementary Parents' meetings - NOT TRUE! Please come for a short meeting on 9/13 after the first grade Parents' meeting at Truman Primary and we will get everyone's paperwork filled out, dues paid, and have a brief parents' meeting (we need lots of help this year - there are plenty of small things to do that will make a big difference!). We will have a craft for the girls to do, and we will review the Girl Scout Promise & song with the girls to get them back in the groove.
I have had a couple of moms ask me about new t-shirts for the girls uniforms this year - any opinions? I'm fine with the ones we have or getting new ones, whatever the group decides. We will discuss in more detail at the meeting on 9/13. The Girl Scout store has a couple of cute ones at $18-25 each. I also thought this one on Etsy was cute - long-sleeved is $12 and short-sleeved are $10: http://www.etsy.com/listing/55850795/personalized-girl-scout-daisy-t-shirt. Also, we could plan a craft with this shirt & let the girls color it themselves: http://www.colortime.com/c9/GS-Daisy-T-Shirt-p211.html.
If you aren't going to make the meeting on 9/13, please contact me - we have to have all registrations in by the end of September or the unregistered girls won't be covered by the liability insurance. Don't forget that each girl has at least $15 of "cookie dough" that they can use in the Girl Scout store or towards their registrations. I will have the cookie dough cards with me at the meeting.
Helpful links:
The troop facebook page (this is a closed group, so send me a request to join if you want access): https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/266239830069624/
Online membership renewal: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43
I have had a couple of moms ask me about new t-shirts for the girls uniforms this year - any opinions? I'm fine with the ones we have or getting new ones, whatever the group decides. We will discuss in more detail at the meeting on 9/13. The Girl Scout store has a couple of cute ones at $18-25 each. I also thought this one on Etsy was cute - long-sleeved is $12 and short-sleeved are $10: http://www.etsy.com/listing/55850795/personalized-girl-scout-daisy-t-shirt. Also, we could plan a craft with this shirt & let the girls color it themselves: http://www.colortime.com/c9/GS-Daisy-T-Shirt-p211.html.
If you aren't going to make the meeting on 9/13, please contact me - we have to have all registrations in by the end of September or the unregistered girls won't be covered by the liability insurance. Don't forget that each girl has at least $15 of "cookie dough" that they can use in the Girl Scout store or towards their registrations. I will have the cookie dough cards with me at the meeting.
Helpful links:
The troop facebook page (this is a closed group, so send me a request to join if you want access): https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/266239830069624/
Online membership renewal: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First meeting update
We were originally planning to have our first meeting on Sept 13 from 6-7pm, but last night I learned that the 1st grade parents meeting is going to be from 6-630 that same night.
Instead of having a full meeting on 9/13, I want to have a brief parent's meeting from 6:30-7 (possibly shorter!) instead - I'll have a coloring page for the girls & we can get registration forms filled out & discuss the year.
Our first full meeting will be on Sept 27, 6-7pm. We have secured the Truman Primary cafeteria again, so meetings will be held at the same location as last year.
See you then!
Instead of having a full meeting on 9/13, I want to have a brief parent's meeting from 6:30-7 (possibly shorter!) instead - I'll have a coloring page for the girls & we can get registration forms filled out & discuss the year.
Our first full meeting will be on Sept 27, 6-7pm. We have secured the Truman Primary cafeteria again, so meetings will be held at the same location as last year.
See you then!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Swim party a huge success!
Thanks so much to the Boswell's for hosting the Daisy swim party yesterday (and thanks to Stacy for the tasty shakes)! The girls had a wonderful time playing together & us moms got time to chat! We didn't really ever get around to a parents meeting, other than briefly discussing registration procedures & deadlines. We'll go over everything in September.
A couple of people are having trouble viewing the blog, so I have also started a closed Facebook group as another source of information. Only the members of the group can see the group's info, and group members cannot see each other's information unless they are "friends". Please search on Facebook for the "Troop 3412" group & ask to join if you would like access.
The link for online registration is here if you are paying by credit card. You can also cut & paste the following to your browser: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43. I have paper registration forms to fill out at the first meeting in September, if you would rather pay by cash/check or cookie dough incentives (if you haven't received yours yet, I have it).
Don't forget, our first meeting is the second Tuesday in September (9/13) from 6-7pm in the Truman Primary Cafeteria.
See you in September!
A couple of people are having trouble viewing the blog, so I have also started a closed Facebook group as another source of information. Only the members of the group can see the group's info, and group members cannot see each other's information unless they are "friends". Please search on Facebook for the "Troop 3412" group & ask to join if you would like access.
The link for online registration is here if you are paying by credit card. You can also cut & paste the following to your browser: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43. I have paper registration forms to fill out at the first meeting in September, if you would rather pay by cash/check or cookie dough incentives (if you haven't received yours yet, I have it).
Don't forget, our first meeting is the second Tuesday in September (9/13) from 6-7pm in the Truman Primary Cafeteria.
See you in September!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Registration information
The link for online registration is here. You can also cut & paste the following to your browser: https://gsusa.ebiz.uapps.net/vp/Home/tabid/166/Default.aspx?pid=43.
I will have paper forms with me on Saturday as well. If you do renew online, please let me know!
I will have paper forms with me on Saturday as well. If you do renew online, please let me know!
Monday, August 1, 2011
ZooSnooze overnight
What a blast! The girls got to hear about local nocturnal animals & even pet a couple of them. Then we took a walk through the zoo after dark with our guide, Rachelle. We saw many animals that aren't as visible during the day visits. We stayed up REALLY late, and then took a morning zoo walk to visit the OKC Trails exhibit before packing up the party. Thanks to the 2nd grade Brownie troop for the invite!
Our next activity is the pool party at the Boswells on 8/13. Hope everyone can come! I'd like a chance to have a brief parents meeting sometime at the party to plan the upcoming year, hand out cookie dough & discuss a good meeting day/time for fall. I will also have registration forms and information.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Zoo Invite from 2nd grade sister Brownies!
From their troop leader:
Would any of your girls like to join us in our Zoo Snooze sleepover at the OKC Zoo on Saturday, July 30th? We've gotten the rsvps from our troop and we have room for more girls. We'd love to invite our sister Truman troop to join us. There should be no cost to your troop since we have to pay for a minimum anyway. Moms will come and stay over too! We get a animal program and a night time tour of the Zoo. We leave the Treehouse in the morning but are welcome to stay at the Zoo for as long as we want on Sunday. Just let me know if you all are interested. We'd love to have you!
I need firm RSVP's no later than July 22nd. I am not sure if Abby & I can attend yet (I hope so!), but Niki & Hailey are planning to attend.
Here's a fun question for you!
I need firm RSVP's no later than July 22nd. I am not sure if Abby & I can attend yet (I hope so!), but Niki & Hailey are planning to attend.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Misc summer info
Hi all! I've got a couple of updates:
- Cookie dough incentives & cookie patches are in! If you haven't received them yet, feel free to contact me & arrange a time to pick them up. I will also have them at the pool party in August and at our first meeting in September (tentatively scheduled for 9/15/11). Each girl that participated in cookie sales have at least a $15 gift card they can use at the http://www.gswestok.org/ shop. It can also be used for the fall membership fees!
- The fall membership drive is coming - I'm not too concerned about recruiting members, as we already have a big group. However, if anyone knows a first-grade Truman girl that is interested, please have them contact me for membership info.
- I will have membership forms at the pool party, but you can also fill out the forms online (you will need to fill out online if you want to use the cookie dough incentives gift card). If you do decide to submit your girl's membership form online, please get me a copy for my files as well.
- Please check the Patch Progress section of the blog to make sure your girl has all her patches. Please let me know if she's missing something.
- Finally, I am starting to plan our meetings for fall. I am also working on dividing up some of the group responsibilities so that volunteers can take on small projects to help the troop & troop leadership. I'll get more info about what we might need soon. Everyone has ideas/skills/resources that are valuable! Please consider what you might be able to do to help the girls. Feel free to contact me with any ideas or to make us aware of your special skills. We appreciate you all!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Strong and courageous!!
We had a blast at the self-defense class this week! Only four girls were able to come (darn summer schedules!) but we still had a great time. The girls learned some basic techniques of self-defense, and got to hit things & scream! :)
Master Rugh said he would be completely fine with setting up a second class if some of the girls would like to do it somtime this summer. His summer class schedule is lighter, so we were able to join in a regularly scheduled class that he turned into a self-defense lesson for us. If you would be interested in participating in another class later this summer so your Daisy can earn her red petal, let me know. If there is enough interest, I'll talk to him about it. The class would be on either a Monday or Wednesday from 6:15-7.
Looking forward to the pool party in August! More info to come on that soon.

Garner was so serious the whole time - this is the only pic I have of her smiling. She was going to learn how to beat people up! :)

Ava got into it more & more. She really shined in this part of the session where several black belts help "attack" her.
Master Rugh said he would be completely fine with setting up a second class if some of the girls would like to do it somtime this summer. His summer class schedule is lighter, so we were able to join in a regularly scheduled class that he turned into a self-defense lesson for us. If you would be interested in participating in another class later this summer so your Daisy can earn her red petal, let me know. If there is enough interest, I'll talk to him about it. The class would be on either a Monday or Wednesday from 6:15-7.
Looking forward to the pool party in August! More info to come on that soon.
Garner was so serious the whole time - this is the only pic I have of her smiling. She was going to learn how to beat people up! :)
Ava got into it more & more. She really shined in this part of the session where several black belts help "attack" her.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Self-defense class tomorrow!
Hi all - I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
Don't forget that tomorrow night we are having a self-defense class from 6:15-7 in the girls' gym at the Norman High School. Park in the one of the circle drives off of Main Street & follow the yellow signs that direct you to Tae Quan Do.
As the instructor is providing us this class free of charge, please try to make all or part of it if at all possible! He is a really nice man & is doing this as a favor to me so that the Daisy girls can earn their red petal patch.
Also, we are considering August 6 for our pool party - please let me know ASAP if you know that date is already an issue.
Cookie incentives are finally here! Each girl has at least $15 of 'cookie dough' to spend at the Girl Scout store and at least one patch for participating in cookie sales. I'll bring them with me tomorrow night. Don't forget the cookie dough can also be used for the fall enrollment fee or be donated to the troop.
Don't forget that tomorrow night we are having a self-defense class from 6:15-7 in the girls' gym at the Norman High School. Park in the one of the circle drives off of Main Street & follow the yellow signs that direct you to Tae Quan Do.
As the instructor is providing us this class free of charge, please try to make all or part of it if at all possible! He is a really nice man & is doing this as a favor to me so that the Daisy girls can earn their red petal patch.
Also, we are considering August 6 for our pool party - please let me know ASAP if you know that date is already an issue.
Cookie incentives are finally here! Each girl has at least $15 of 'cookie dough' to spend at the Girl Scout store and at least one patch for participating in cookie sales. I'll bring them with me tomorrow night. Don't forget the cookie dough can also be used for the fall enrollment fee or be donated to the troop.
Friday, May 6, 2011
OK, the butterflies are not cooperating! They came early, and then gestated early, and have now emerged early!
They emerged the first part of this week, and were never going to make it all the way to the next meeting. So, we released them today and took lots of pictures!
We are still planning a butterfly craft for next week - please share these pictures with the girls!

They emerged the first part of this week, and were never going to make it all the way to the next meeting. So, we released them today and took lots of pictures!
We are still planning a butterfly craft for next week - please share these pictures with the girls!
Meeting notes 4/28/11
This meeting we focused on more outdoor science. We learned about ladybugs and even had a ladybug release! It was insane :).
Our last meeting is scheduled for May 12 at 6:30, the usual location. We will be discussing butterflies, making a butterfly craft, and we will also have a special guest! A friend of Niki's will be coming to offer the girls the feather extensions that are so popular right now. This is a troop-sponsored activity, so there is no cost to the families.
We are planning on at least one summer activity, but no definite plans yet.
Our last meeting is scheduled for May 12 at 6:30, the usual location. We will be discussing butterflies, making a butterfly craft, and we will also have a special guest! A friend of Niki's will be coming to offer the girls the feather extensions that are so popular right now. This is a troop-sponsored activity, so there is no cost to the families.
We are planning on at least one summer activity, but no definite plans yet.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The butterflies have arrived!!
We have butterfly larvae at our house! They have been eating and growing for the last few days, and should be getting ready to enter their chrysalis phase soon. We'll be bringing them next week, and we hope to be able to release them at the May meeting (our last scheduled meeting), if the butterflies are agreeable.
Meeting Notes - 4/14/11
This meeting was pretty low-key. We discussed who in our community we respect as authority figures, and how we should treat them. We made badges as our craft and also received a few more petal patches for our Daisy uniforms.
Next meeting we will be discussing butterflies!!
If your daughter has not received petal patches or her Journey patch, please let me know!
Next meeting we will be discussing butterflies!!
If your daughter has not received petal patches or her Journey patch, please let me know!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Meeting notes, 3/24/11
Tonight's meeting was small, as we were missing several Daisies. However, we still had a great time completing Claire's Investiture, reading Fancy Nancy's book on Earth Day, discussing what it means to "Be Green", and finally decorating a flower pot & planting a Daisy to take home.
Activities at tonight's meeting and the last meeting have earned the girls another petal patch for their uniforms. If your Daisy missed either or both meetings and you would like the supplies to complete these activities on your own, please let me know.
Cookie sales are over this weekend!! THANK YOU to everyone who has promptly made their payments so that I haven't had to spend time chasing cookie money! If you have not turned in your final payment, PLEASE DO SO ASAP so that I can get our final deposit made.
I have received the girls' Cookie Participation Pins, and will complete the Troops for Troops patches soon. We are still five boxes short for the Troops for Troops patch, so please let me know if you can donate a box or two.
Our next meeting is 4/14 - please note that there are two weeks in between our meeting this time, as there are five weeks in March.
Thanks all!
Activities at tonight's meeting and the last meeting have earned the girls another petal patch for their uniforms. If your Daisy missed either or both meetings and you would like the supplies to complete these activities on your own, please let me know.
Cookie sales are over this weekend!! THANK YOU to everyone who has promptly made their payments so that I haven't had to spend time chasing cookie money! If you have not turned in your final payment, PLEASE DO SO ASAP so that I can get our final deposit made.
I have received the girls' Cookie Participation Pins, and will complete the Troops for Troops patches soon. We are still five boxes short for the Troops for Troops patch, so please let me know if you can donate a box or two.
Our next meeting is 4/14 - please note that there are two weeks in between our meeting this time, as there are five weeks in March.
Thanks all!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Meeting Reminder for 2/24/11
Hi Daisy moms!
Our next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 6pm. We will have a brief Investiture ceremony for our newest Daisy, Claire, and then will proceed to discussing the plant lifecycle and planting a seed. Laryssa is signed up to bring our snack.
We are nearing the end of the cookie sale, so PLEASE BRING YOUR COOKIE MONEY!
Hope to see everyone there!
Our next meeting is scheduled for this Thursday at 6pm. We will have a brief Investiture ceremony for our newest Daisy, Claire, and then will proceed to discussing the plant lifecycle and planting a seed. Laryssa is signed up to bring our snack.
We are nearing the end of the cookie sale, so PLEASE BRING YOUR COOKIE MONEY!
Hope to see everyone there!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Meeting Notes - 3/10/11
This week we focused on learning about Mardi Gras and Earth Day. We made Mardi Gras feather masks and discussed a little about the history of Mardi Gras. We also talked about recycling and the history of Earth Day. Some girls even brought recycling items to put in our recycling bin! In all, another great meeting!
If you were not able to attend the meeting, I have a couple of packets put together for your girl so she can cover what we missed, as we were working towards a couple of patches this week. Also, I handed out the patches we have earned to-date. I will send out a digital copy of where the patches go on the girls' vests as well.
Next meeting we will be continuing our discussion about Earth Day and learning about the plant lifecycle, including planting a seed. Hope everyone can be there!
Cookie sales are coming to a close - I will be sending out individual emails to everyone with your current balance. Please arrange to get your cookie money to me or bring it to the next meeting, as we will need ALL FUNDS in by March 30th. Also, we are within 7 boxes of earning the Troop for Troops badge for each girl who sold cookies! Please help our girls make their goal so that they can earn this extra patch! I have already ordered and received our cookie participation pins, and they are way-cute!
Thanks all!
If you were not able to attend the meeting, I have a couple of packets put together for your girl so she can cover what we missed, as we were working towards a couple of patches this week. Also, I handed out the patches we have earned to-date. I will send out a digital copy of where the patches go on the girls' vests as well.
Next meeting we will be continuing our discussion about Earth Day and learning about the plant lifecycle, including planting a seed. Hope everyone can be there!
Cookie sales are coming to a close - I will be sending out individual emails to everyone with your current balance. Please arrange to get your cookie money to me or bring it to the next meeting, as we will need ALL FUNDS in by March 30th. Also, we are within 7 boxes of earning the Troop for Troops badge for each girl who sold cookies! Please help our girls make their goal so that they can earn this extra patch! I have already ordered and received our cookie participation pins, and they are way-cute!
Thanks all!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Meeting reminder / cookie updates
Hi all! Don't forget we have a Daisy meeting this Thursday, 3/10 at 6pm in our usual location at the Truman Primary Cafeteria.
1) This week we are making Mardi Gras masks, as Fat Tuesday falls this week. We will also begin a 2-part lesson on recycling, the plant lifecycle and environmental awareness, in honor of Earth Day which falls later this month. Please have your girl bring a couple of things to put in our recycle bin - preferably no cans with sharp edges please! :)
2) Cookie sales have gone wonderfully! The sales are starting to wind down, and as we have opted not to have a booth sale, I don't have nearly the cookie stock I had a few weeks ago. However, there are still a couple of moms wanting more cookies and a few moms with some extra boxes. If you have extra cookies, please bring them with you to the meeting - we will try to connect those who need cookies with those who still have some!
3) Please don't forget to bring the cookie money you have collected - we have met all withdrawal deadlines with ease so far, thanks to everyone being so prompt about turning in their money!
4) For those moms who are still paying out their girls' supplies fees, please don't forget to send your March payment with your girl. I'm so excited that we may not have to pay any supplies fees next year because of cookie sales revenues!
5) Lastly, we are one case of cookies away from meeting the 5-case minimum for the Troops for Troops program - what that means to everyone is that if we can all work together to get one more case (12 boxes) of cookies donated to the Troops for Troops program, then all of the girls who have participated in selling cookies this year will get a special badge to put on their uniform!! If everyone can get 1-2 boxes donated to the program, we will meet our goal!
See you Thursday!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Meeting Notes - 2/24/11
We had another great meeting, and the girls got to wear their new vests! We discussed the Girl Scout Thinking Day, what we might eat in different countries, colored flags from other countries, and made rainmakers.
Next meeting the girls will be getting an envelope containing all the patches they've earned to-date (I had them last week, but forgot to give them out). We still have more in reserve that they will earn in the coming months, and will hand them out as they earn them.
If you have ordered more cookies, please contact me ASAP to schedule a pickup. I don't think we will have to worry about handing in more cookie money before our next meeting, but I will let everyone know if that changes.
Thanks all!
Next meeting the girls will be getting an envelope containing all the patches they've earned to-date (I had them last week, but forgot to give them out). We still have more in reserve that they will earn in the coming months, and will hand them out as they earn them.
If you have ordered more cookies, please contact me ASAP to schedule a pickup. I don't think we will have to worry about handing in more cookie money before our next meeting, but I will let everyone know if that changes.
Thanks all!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I picked up 108 cases of cookies last night, so we are ready to sell!!
They are $3.50 a box, and we have Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils and Lemon Cremes. Girl Scouts of Western OK doesn't sell the other varieties.
I am planning on bringing cookies to Investiture, but if you want cookies before then, please let me know. Abby started selling the minute we got home last night!
I am planning on disbursing the following to each girl, but I can make an adjustment if you want more or less for your girl to start with. We have to be a little careful, because we can only return unopened cases through February 25th, though cookie sales go through March. If we run out, I can get more in a couple of weeks:
Each girl will receive
6 boxes of Lemon Creme
12 boxes of Trefoils
6 boxes of Di-Si-Dos
12 boxes of Samoas
12 boxes Tagalongs
12 boxes of Thin Mints
Abby has already sold over 40 boxes of cookies since last night - people have been willing to come out in the snow for them! I haven't been able to stay out of them either.... :)
They are $3.50 a box, and we have Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Trefoils and Lemon Cremes. Girl Scouts of Western OK doesn't sell the other varieties.
I am planning on bringing cookies to Investiture, but if you want cookies before then, please let me know. Abby started selling the minute we got home last night!
I am planning on disbursing the following to each girl, but I can make an adjustment if you want more or less for your girl to start with. We have to be a little careful, because we can only return unopened cases through February 25th, though cookie sales go through March. If we run out, I can get more in a couple of weeks:
Each girl will receive
6 boxes of Lemon Creme
12 boxes of Trefoils
6 boxes of Di-Si-Dos
12 boxes of Samoas
12 boxes Tagalongs
12 boxes of Thin Mints
Abby has already sold over 40 boxes of cookies since last night - people have been willing to come out in the snow for them! I haven't been able to stay out of them either.... :)
Sunday, February 6, 2011
For the families who joined us in January, please send me a picture of your girl if you haven't already. I'm trying to make sure I know all their names by the Investiture. I won't post them on the blog, they're just for my use to learn their faces better.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Investiture signup
I have the following list:
Apple Juice - Harris
Pink lemonade tea - Koop
Finger sandwiches - Bell
Cut fruit & dip - Bell
Something sweet - Gray
Small clear plastic plates - Windes
Silver-colored plastic ware - Kight
Pink rose china tea sets - Osburn
Daisy flowers for decoration - Boswell
Tablecloth & silver tea set - Bell
If you have ideas or something you'd like to bring, please let me know.
I will be fairly busy this week with cookies and won't have much time to decorate for the ceremony. Nikki has unfortunately had a family emergency and won't be able to do much this week either.
Anyone that can help us prep for Saturday would be appreciated!! We will meet at the Bell residence between 515-530 to set up.
Apple Juice - Harris
Pink lemonade tea - Koop
Finger sandwiches - Bell
Cut fruit & dip - Bell
Something sweet - Gray
Small clear plastic plates - Windes
Silver-colored plastic ware - Kight
Pink rose china tea sets - Osburn
Daisy flowers for decoration - Boswell
Tablecloth & silver tea set - Bell
If you have ideas or something you'd like to bring, please let me know.
I will be fairly busy this week with cookies and won't have much time to decorate for the ceremony. Nikki has unfortunately had a family emergency and won't be able to do much this week either.
Anyone that can help us prep for Saturday would be appreciated!! We will meet at the Bell residence between 515-530 to set up.
Supplies update
Everyone should now have their supplies, except for the badges the girls will get at Investiture on Saturday. I have a book and a Badge Magic kit that for some reason don't seem to have an owner...if you are missing either item, please let me know!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Meeting Notes - 1/26/11
We had another great meeting! I think the new location will work out very well!
We reviewed the Girl Scout Promise, Song and Handshake for Investiture next meeting. We also made Valentine's Day cards for the Arbor House assisted living center. Nikki and Hailey are going to be arranging with the Arbor House to drop off the cards - you are welcome to go with them if you'd like. Contact Nikki at nikirisley@hotmail.com if you are interested.
There will be more information to come about cookies and Investiture. I have "Cookie Training" next Tuesday and I will pass along all information I have. Nikki and I will be picking up our initial order of cookies on Feb 8th, so we should be able to distribute them to the girls at Investiture, which will be held at Garner Bell's house.
We are planning a tea party for after our Investiture. I had everyone sign-up to bring tea-themed snack goodies at the meeting, but we could still use someone to make some finger sandwiches and sliced fruit/fruit dip. Please let me know if you could provide either of those for our 13 girls and moms for Investiture.
Also, I posted a snack sign-up for the rest of the semester. I only need someone for Feb 24th. Anyone willing to provide the snack that day?
Thanks to everyone for helping us with our group's growing pains - the girls are having a great time together!
We reviewed the Girl Scout Promise, Song and Handshake for Investiture next meeting. We also made Valentine's Day cards for the Arbor House assisted living center. Nikki and Hailey are going to be arranging with the Arbor House to drop off the cards - you are welcome to go with them if you'd like. Contact Nikki at nikirisley@hotmail.com if you are interested.
There will be more information to come about cookies and Investiture. I have "Cookie Training" next Tuesday and I will pass along all information I have. Nikki and I will be picking up our initial order of cookies on Feb 8th, so we should be able to distribute them to the girls at Investiture, which will be held at Garner Bell's house.
We are planning a tea party for after our Investiture. I had everyone sign-up to bring tea-themed snack goodies at the meeting, but we could still use someone to make some finger sandwiches and sliced fruit/fruit dip. Please let me know if you could provide either of those for our 13 girls and moms for Investiture.
Also, I posted a snack sign-up for the rest of the semester. I only need someone for Feb 24th. Anyone willing to provide the snack that day?
Thanks to everyone for helping us with our group's growing pains - the girls are having a great time together!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
We have a meeting location!
Truman Primary has agreed to let us use the cafeteria on the second and fourth Thursdays from 6-730 pm. Yay!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Meeting notes - 1/6/11
We had a great meeting tonight! It was so much fun to have so many new faces in our Daisy troop.
All new girls received their Daisy t-shirt and bag. They also should have received the Girl Scout Promise craft to complete at home. They don't need to bring this craft back, it is just reinforcement from tonight's lesson.
Tonight we reviewed the Girl Scout Promise, Law & Sign. We also reviewed the Daisy song and made Girl Scout Promise bracelets. We talked about fairness and sharing and how to use nice words when talking to someone.
Thanks to everyone who turned in their paperwork and dues. I'll be sending individual emails to everyone to verify that I have your paperwork and checks.
Decisions made tonight:
All new girls received their Daisy t-shirt and bag. They also should have received the Girl Scout Promise craft to complete at home. They don't need to bring this craft back, it is just reinforcement from tonight's lesson.
Tonight we reviewed the Girl Scout Promise, Law & Sign. We also reviewed the Daisy song and made Girl Scout Promise bracelets. We talked about fairness and sharing and how to use nice words when talking to someone.
Thanks to everyone who turned in their paperwork and dues. I'll be sending individual emails to everyone to verify that I have your paperwork and checks.
Decisions made tonight:
- We are moving the meeting to the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, still at 6pm.
- We are requesting meeting space at Truman Primary (in the cafeteria) - I'll let you know when that is approved. Occasionally we will still use a residence for special meetings, like Investiture. We'll let you know in advance where the meeting location will be.
- We are selling cookies - to my knowledge no one has opted out. I will place our initial order before next week's cutoff. I'm going to order conservatively (50 boxes per girl), knowing that we can get more cases of cookies if we need them. If anyone suspects that they will be selling a lot of cookies, please let me know by the end of the weekend so that I can up my initial order.
- Investiture is tentatively set for 2/10/11 at 6:00pm. I will confirm this date as soon as we have a location. We are thinking of doing a dress-up tea party to go along with the ceremony.
- The Girl Scout Thinking Day Celebration is 2/19/11. We did not decide to go as a troop, but if anyone would like to go on their own or in a small group, please let me know and I'll get information to you.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Happy New Year Daisies!!
I hope everyone had a great holiday!
This Thursday, January 6 will be our first meeting of the new year. We'll meet at 6:00 at my house - please feel free to call me at 834-6247 or email me if you need directions. Our house is a little small for the new size of our group (13 girls!!), but we'll make it work.
I've sent out the Daisy enrollment form and health form to everyone who has not yet filled them out - please let me know if you need another copy. Please fill them out and bring them on Thursday along with the $12.00 enrollment fee. FYI, all new girls will receive their Daisy t-shirt at the meeting.
I have sent everyone on my email list a general troop fees invoice. For the couple of moms who have partially paid their supplies fees already, I have emailed you separately with an updated balance. As Nikki and I have been paying all fees out-of-pocket, we would really appreciate you bringing your checkbooks to this meeting. We'd prefer at least half of the supplies fees to be paid at this next meeting, with the balance due by March 1.
This Thursday we will be reviewing:
Other items will will need to discuss at this meeting:
Looking forward to meeting everyone! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions!
This Thursday, January 6 will be our first meeting of the new year. We'll meet at 6:00 at my house - please feel free to call me at 834-6247 or email me if you need directions. Our house is a little small for the new size of our group (13 girls!!), but we'll make it work.
I've sent out the Daisy enrollment form and health form to everyone who has not yet filled them out - please let me know if you need another copy. Please fill them out and bring them on Thursday along with the $12.00 enrollment fee. FYI, all new girls will receive their Daisy t-shirt at the meeting.
I have sent everyone on my email list a general troop fees invoice. For the couple of moms who have partially paid their supplies fees already, I have emailed you separately with an updated balance. As Nikki and I have been paying all fees out-of-pocket, we would really appreciate you bringing your checkbooks to this meeting. We'd prefer at least half of the supplies fees to be paid at this next meeting, with the balance due by March 1.
This Thursday we will be reviewing:
- the Girl Scout Promise
- the Girl Scout Law
- the Girl Scout Handshake
- our Daisy song
- the Kaper Chart
- continuing to read from the Daisy Earth and Sky book
- we will be making a Girl Scout Law bracelet for our craft
Other items will will need to discuss at this meeting:
- Cookie sales
- Our meeting time/day/location
- Thinking Day Celebration (Feb 19)
Looking forward to meeting everyone! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions!
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